Ecolab Global Mobile SPRINT 6 – Scan GM55 GM446 Scan GM244 Edit GM73 # Traps Feature CLICK-THROUGH FLOW
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OK SVSP Instructions
OK SVSP Instructions
SVSP instructions Service Summary
Service Summary SVSP Instructions
Service Finding Service Summary
Pest Activity Service Finding
Apartments Save
Scroll Navigation Right-to-Left Service Summary
Product Application
Target Pest Product Please note Updates to form: Added Lot # Product Application UI Trigger from ‘Product Application’ button in navigation Product is not selectable until Target Pest is selected The Product listing is driven based on the selected Target Pest. ‘Target Pest’ selection is not required to save the record. A record without a target pest will display as in ‘Error Trigger from Scan form ‘Product Application’ (A Trap Type / Equipment is known) Product listing must be limited to the Products which are associated to the trap type Target Pest listing must be limited to the targeted pest which are associated to the Products which are associated to the trap type. ‘Target Pest’ selection is not required to save the record. A record without a target pest will display as in ‘Error’ Error Handling If a record is saved without any of the following – save and display the record as ‘Error’ Target Pest Product Lot # (required for F&B Customers only)
Shade Down Please Note: Updates to form: Added Lot # Ants Product Application UI Trigger from ‘Product Application’ button in navigation Product is not selectable until Target Pest is selected The Product listing is driven based on the selected Target Pest. ‘Target Pest’ selection is not required to save the record. A record without a target pest will display as in ‘Error Trigger from Scan form ‘Product Application’ (A Trap Type / Equipment is known) Product listing must be limited to the Products which are associated to the trap type Target Pest listing must be limited to the targeted pest which are associated to the Products which are associated to the trap type. ‘Target Pest’ selection is not required to save the record. A record without a target pest will display as in ‘Error’
Save Shade Example w/ More Info Please add Lot #
Save Shade Up Please add Lot #
Save Please Note: Updates to form: Added Lot #
Scroll Navigation Right-to-Left Service Summary
Customer Signature
Trigger a Scan from the hardware Service Summary
Trigger a Scan from the hardware Service Summary
Select Trap 001 Note: Updated labels TRAP = EQUIP # Trap Type: = Equipment : Service Summary
The Scan Form is based on Trap Type
Pest Found
+ Qty Note: Increment per the data not by 1
+ Rats Qty Note: Increment per the data not by 1
Bait Status
Trigger Scan of Next Service Summary
Trigger Scan of Next Service Summary
Trap 002 Service Summary
Trap Status
Damaged / Replaced
Product Application
Target Pest Product Application UI Trigger from ‘Product Application’ button in navigation Product is not selectable until Target Pest is selected The Product listing is driven based on the selected Target Pest. ‘Target Pest’ selection is not required to save the record. A record without a target pest will display as in ‘Error Trigger from Scan form ‘Product Application’ (A Trap Type / Equipment is known) Product listing must be limited to the Products which are associated to the trap type Target Pest listing must be limited to the targeted pest which are associated to the Products which are associated to the trap type. ‘Target Pest’ selection is not required to save the record. A record without a target pest will display as in ‘Error’
Product Product Application UI Trigger from ‘Product Application’ button in navigation Product is not selectable until Target Pest is selected The Product listing is driven based on the selected Target Pest. ‘Target Pest’ selection is not required to save the record. A record without a target pest will display as in ‘Error Trigger from Scan form ‘Product Application’ (A Trap Type / Equipment is known) Product listing must be limited to the Products which are associated to the trap type Target Pest listing must be limited to the targeted pest which are associated to the Products which are associated to the trap type. ‘Target Pest’ selection is not required to save the record. A record without a target pest will display as in ‘Error’
Enter Qty Qty. Do not use the Trap Type / Product associated Qty. dropdown listing – ALWAYS prompt the user to ender a number. When focus in within the Qty. text box display the decimal numeric keyboard
Site Please Note : If one or more records for the current service with the same Product should exist – the system must default the Lot #, Site(s), and Method(s) to those used last. The user may edit these defaults if they so choose.
Lot # Product Application UI Trigger from ‘Product Application’ button in navigation Product is not selectable until Target Pest is selected The Product listing is driven based on the selected Target Pest. ‘Target Pest’ selection is not required to save the record. A record without a target pest will display as in ‘Error Trigger from Scan form ‘Product Application’ (A Trap Type / Equipment is known) Product listing must be limited to the Products which are associated to the trap type Target Pest listing must be limited to the targeted pest which are associated to the Products which are associated to the trap type. ‘Target Pest’ selection is not required to save the record. A record without a target pest will display as in ‘Error’
If no application record exists (current visit) with the same product show Lot # field on within form If application record(s) exists (current visit) with the same product AND all records have the SAME lot # (entered or NULL) show Lot # field on within form WITH the last used lot # entered by default (editable) If application record(s) exists (current visit) with the same product AND NOT all records have the SAME lot # (entered or NULL) show Lot # Select > UNK-5698-MA Let’s Assume this scenario
Enter Lot # The system must display a page with the last used Lot # entered by default (editable) and the options to apply the entered Lot # to the current record only, all records, or manually select records. When user selects Apply to All or Selected – the system must display a listing of all records (current visit) with the same product. Records should display in descending chronological order. UNK-5698-MA This Record Only: Default to listing of current record. Show the current record as selected. Selected Records: Default to listing of all records for the same product. Show the current record only as selected. All Records: Default to listing of all records for the same product. Show all records as selected. If the user unselects any record the system must display ‘Selected Record’
Product Application UI Trigger from ‘Product Application’ button in navigation Product is not selectable until Target Pest is selected The Product listing is driven based on the selected Target Pest. ‘Target Pest’ selection is not required to save the record. A record without a target pest will display as in ‘Error Trigger from Scan form ‘Product Application’ (A Trap Type / Equipment is known) Product listing must be limited to the Products which are associated to the trap type Target Pest listing must be limited to the targeted pest which are associated to the Products which are associated to the trap type. ‘Target Pest’ selection is not required to save the record. A record without a target pest will display as in ‘Error’
Save Please Note : The ‘Additional Product Application’ row is now available. The functionality must match that of the original Product Application – it is displayed to simply allow the user to add another Product Application record. Each time a product application is documented, an ‘Additional Product Application’ row must be added to the last row. A Product application record must be created in the Service Summary for each Product
Edit Trap 001 Service Summary
Add a Condition
Select Multi Catch
Trigger Rescan of Trap
Rescan of Trap
Edit Trap 001 Service Summary
Add a Condition
Select Multi Catch
Delete Trap 002 Record by Swiping right to left on record Scan Record w/ Associated Product Record Service Summary
Delete Service Summary Delete
No Service Summary Delete If more than 2 records are associated – please display in a scrollable view.
Delete Trap 002 Record by Swiping right to left on record Scan Record w/ Associated Product Record Service Summary
Delete Service Summary Delete
Yes Service Summary Delete If more than 2 records are associated – please display in a scrollable view.
Service Summary Delete Trap 001 Record by Swiping right to left on record Note: this record has no associated records
Service Summary Delete
Pretend the record errors are corrected Service Summary
End Service Service Summary
End Service Service Summary
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