TRANSFORMINGCARICOMAGRICULTURE CARICOM Agriculture Donor Conference CROWNE PLAZA TRINIDAD, PORT OF SPAIN, TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO, 2 June 2007 CARICOM Agriculture Donor Conference CROWNE PLAZA TRINIDAD, PORT OF SPAIN, TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO, 2 June 2007 Diversifying the Production Base Fostering Regional Enterprises Ensuring Food Security and Rural Development in CARICOM and
Enterprise Development Challenges Facing CARICOM Ensuring Food Security and Rural Development in CARICOM Tradition of Subsistence Production Inability to respond to New Opportunities Decline of Estate based production Institutional Framework needs strengthening CARICOM Agriculture Donor Conference CROWNE PLAZA TRINIDAD, PORT OF SPAIN, TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO, 2 June 2007 CARICOM Agriculture Donor Conference CROWNE PLAZA TRINIDAD, PORT OF SPAIN, TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO, 2 June 2007
Enterprise Development Challenges Facing CARICOM Ensuring Food Security and Rural Development in CARICOM CARICOM Agriculture Donor Conference CROWNE PLAZA TRINIDAD, PORT OF SPAIN, TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO, 2 June 2007 CARICOM Agriculture Donor Conference CROWNE PLAZA TRINIDAD, PORT OF SPAIN, TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO, 2 June 2007 Tradition of Subsistence Production Exposure to Risk/Vulnerability Limitations of Small Scale Production Weak Technology and Market Support Systems
Enterprise DevelopmentChallenges Facing CARICOM Enterprise Development Challenges Facing CARICOM Ensuring Food Security and Rural Development in CARICOM CARICOM Agriculture Donor Conference CROWNE PLAZA TRINIDAD, PORT OF SPAIN, TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO, 2 June 2007 CARICOM Agriculture Donor Conference CROWNE PLAZA TRINIDAD, PORT OF SPAIN, TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO, 2 June 2007 Decline of Estate based export production Global Market Shocks Slow response to intensification/diversification Lack of development of production clusters Lack of investment linkages
Enterprise DevelopmentChallenges Facing CARICOM Enterprise Development Challenges Facing CARICOM Ensuring Food Security and Rural Development in CARICOM CARICOM Agriculture Donor Conference CROWNE PLAZA TRINIDAD, PORT OF SPAIN, TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO, 2 June 2007 CARICOM Agriculture Donor Conference CROWNE PLAZA TRINIDAD, PORT OF SPAIN, TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO, 2 June 2007 Inability to respond to New Opportunities Limited raw material for agro-processing Difficulty in forging Public/Private sector partnerships Difficulty in meeting required market standards
Ensuring Food Security and Rural Development in CARICOM Weak Institutional and Support Service Frameworks CARICOM Agriculture Donor Conference CROWNE PLAZA TRINIDAD, PORT OF SPAIN, TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO, 2 June 2007 CARICOM Agriculture Donor Conference CROWNE PLAZA TRINIDAD, PORT OF SPAIN, TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO, 2 June 2007 Enterprise DevelopmentChallenges Facing CARICOM Enterprise Development Challenges Facing CARICOM Lack of resources of Ministry of Agriculture Agricultural sector stakeholders unable to access to financial services Research and development services inadequate and uncoordinated Weak agriculture information systems
Examples of Enterprise DevelopmentInterventions in the Package Examples of Enterprise Development Interventions in the Package Promoting Youth in Agriculture Increasing production of non traditionals Fisheries expansion Agro processing development Strengthening marketing systems and linkages Livestock support services Improving entrepreneurial capacity National Proposals /Projects
Enterprise DevelopmentInterventions Enterprise Development Interventions Regional Proposals /Projects CARICOM Agriculture Donor Conference CROWNE PLAZA TRINIDAD, PORT OF SPAIN, TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO, 2 June 2007 CARICOM Agriculture Donor Conference CROWNE PLAZA TRINIDAD, PORT OF SPAIN, TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO, 2 June Development of biologically-based area-wide pest management systems for horticultural crops in the Caribbean 2 Improving the animal health, food safety and quality within the Regional Small Ruminant Industry 3 Small ruminant development 4 Caribbean invasive species surveillance and information programme 5 Production, processing and marketing of peppers 6 Fostering linkages between agriculture and tourism 7 Strengthening the capabilities of the agricultural health and food safety systems in Member States to meet trade challenges 8 Promote incentive measures for efficient and effective production and marketing of agricultural products