Medical Terminology Introduction Mrs. Elizabeth Keele, RN
Chapter 1 Pages 1-4
Word Analysis HEMATOLOGY HEMAT/O/LOGY Root Suffix (blood) (Study of) Combining Vowel When you analyze a medical term, begin at the end of the word. The ending of a word is called a suffix. All medical terms contain suffixes.
Word Analysis HEMATOLOGY HEMAT/O/LOGY Root Suffix (blood) (Study of) Combining Vowel Root + combining vowel + suffix Start at the suffix – Logy = Study of Then go back to the beginning of the word. – Hemat = blood Analysis (put it together) – Study of blood
Word Analysis BIOLOGIST BI/O/LOGIST Root Suffix (Life) (Specialist in) Combining Vowel Root + combining vowel + suffix Start at the suffix – Logist = specialist in (the study of) Go to the beginning – Bi = life Analysis – Specialist in (the study of) life
Word Analysis CARDIOGRAM CARDI/O/GRAM Root Suffix (heart) (record) Combining Vowel Root + combining vowel + suffix Start at the suffix – Gram = record Go the to beginning – Cardi = heart Analysis – Record of the heart
Word Analysis ELECTROCARDIOGRAM ELECTR/O/CARDI/O/GRAM Root Root Suffix (electricity) (heart) (record) Combining Vowel Root + CV + root + CV + suffix Start at the suffix – Gram = record Go the to beginning – Electr = electricity – Cardi = heart Analysis – Record of the electricity in the heart
ELECTROCARDIOGRAM E.C.G. (root-root-suffix)
Word Analysis Roots Cardi/o = heart Gastr/o = stomach Hemat/o = blood Dermat/o = skin Suffix -logy = study of -logist = specialist -gram = record -ac = pertaining to -itis = inflammation CARDIOLOGY CARDI/O/LOGY Study of the heart CARDIOLOGIST CARDI/O/LOGIST Specialist in the heart HEMATOLOGIST HEMAT/O/LOGIST Specialist in blood
Word Analysis Roots Cardi/o = heart Gastr/o = stomach Hemat/o = blood Dermat/o = skin Suffix -logy = study of -logist = specialist -gram = record -ac = pertaining to -itis = inflammation CARDIAC CARDI/AC Pertaining to the heart What’s different? The combining vowel is dropped when the suffix begins with a vowel.
Word Analysis Roots Cardi/o = heart Gastr/o = stomach Hemat/o = blood Dermat/o = skin Suffix -logy = study of -logist = specialist -gram = record -ac = pertaining to -itis = inflammation DERMATITIS DERMAT/ITIS Inflammation of the skin
Word Analysis Roots Cardi/o = heart Gastr/o = stomach Hemat/o = blood Dermat/o = skin Suffix -logy = study of -logist = specialist -gram = record -ac = pertaining to -itis = inflammation GASTRITIS GASTR/ITIS Inflammation of the stomach
Word Analysis Roots Cardi/o = heart Gastr/o = stomach Hemat/o = blood Enter/o = intestines Suffix -logy = study of -logist = specialist -gram = record -ac = pertaining to -itis = inflammation GASTROENTEROLOGY GASTR/O/ENTER/O/LOGY Study of the stomach and intestines 2 root words = OK 2 CV = OK Between roots the combining vowel is not dropped, even if the second root begins with a vowel.
Word Analysis Roots Electr/o = electicity Encephal/o = brain Gastr/o = stomach Suffix -logy = study of -logist = specialist -gram = record -ac = pertaining to -itis = inflammation ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAM ELECTR/O/ENCEPHAL/O/GRAM Record of the electricity in the brain
Word Analysis Prefix a word-part attached to the beginning of the term
Word Analysis Prefix Brady = slow Tachy = fast Root Cardi/o = heart Suffix -ia = condition / disease BRADYCARDIA BRADY/CARD/IA Condition of a slow heart
Word Analysis Prefix Brady = slow Tachy = fast Root Cardi/o = heart Suffix -ia = condition / disease TACHYCARDIA TACHY/CARD/IA Condition of a fast heart
Word Analysis - Review Root = gives the essential meaning of the term Suffix = the word ending Prefix = a small part added to the beginning of a term Combining vowel = connects roots to suffixes and roots to other roots Combining form = combination of the root and a combining vowel
Word Analysis - Rules Read the meaning of medical words from the suffix, then to the beginning of the word and across Drop the combining vowel before a suffix that starts with a vowel Keep the combining vowel between roots, even if the root begins with a vowel
Expectations Every week you will be given 25 new prefixes, roots or suffixes to learn. You will need to be able to give the meaning the medical terms created from that list You will need to be able to give the medical term if you are given the meaning Spelling is important!