High-throughput sequence alignment using Graphics Processing Units Michael C Schatz, Cole Trapnell, Arthur L Delcher, Amitabh Varshney UMD Presented by Steve Rumble
Motivation NGS technologies produce a ton of data AB SOLiD: 22e6 25-mers Others are even worse… How does 200e6 50-mers sound? Algorithms have been pushed hard, but typically assume same workstation CPU Wozniak and others showed S-W could be well-parallelised on special H/W. What of other algorithms/hardware?
Motivation GPUs have recently evolved general purpose programmability (GPGPU) E.g.: nVidia 8800 GTX 16 multiprocessors 8 processors each => 128 stream processors 768MB onboard 1.35GHz clock Almost a year old now…
Short GPU Overview Highly parallel execution (hundreds of simultaneous operations) Hundreds of gigaflops per chip! Large on-board memories (up to 2GB) Limitations: No recursion (no stacks) Each multiprocessor’s constituent processors execute same instruction Thread Divergence due to conditionals hurts… No direct host memory access Small caches (locality is key) High memory latency No dynamic memory allocation (why one would ever do that, I don’t know)
Short GPU Overview GPGPU environments Previously had to reduce problems to graphics primitives… no more Simplified C-like programming Paper has very little detail, but they make it sound enticingly simple… Each processor runs the same ‘kernel’
Muh-muh-muh… MUMmer! Maximal Unique Match Find longest match for each subsequence of a read (of reasonable length) Employs Suffix Trees
MUMmerGPU Plug-and-play replacement for MUMmer MUMmer is not ‘arithmetic intensive’ Is the GPU a good fit? Six-step process 1) Build Suffix Tree of reference genome (Ukkonen’s alg. – O(n)) on host CPU 2) Suffix Tree -> GPU Memory 3) Queries -> GPU Memory 4) Kick off the GPU… 5) Results -> Host Memory 6) Final processing on Host CPU
Suffix Trees We want to find the longest subsequence of a string (query) quickly Suffix Trees permit O(m) string search, m = string length Space complexity is O(n) But constants are apparently pretty big
Suffix Trees Definition: Node edges have a node label A string subsequence Non-empty (but can be terminating) A path label is the sequence formed by traversing from root to leaf 1-1 correspondence of suffixes of S to path labels Internal nodes have at least 2 children n leaf nodes – one for each suffix of S
Suffix Trees O(n) space n leaf nodes => at most n – 1 internal nodes => n + (n – 1) + 1 = 2n nodes (worst case) n = 3 n – 1 = root = 6 nodes
Suffix Trees Example: TORONTO$ ‘$’ is terminating character T ORONTO$ O$ NTO$ RONTO$ O $ NTO$
Suffix Trees Example: TORONTO$ Searching for ‘ONT’ T ORONTO$ O$ NTO$ RONTO$ O $ NTO$
Suffix Trees Example: TORONTO$ Searching for ‘ONT’ T ORONTO$ O$ NTO$ RONTO$ O $ NTO$
Suffix Trees Example: TORONTO$ Searching for ‘ONT’ T ORONTO$ O$ NTO$ RONTO$ O $ NTO$
Suffix Trees Example: TORONTO$ Searching for ‘ONT’ T ORONTO$ O$ NTO$ RONTO$ O $ NTO$ ‘ONT’ at position 3 in S
Suffix Trees MUMmer wants to find all maximal unique matches for all suffixes: E.g., for query ACCGTGCGTC, we want: ACCGTGCGTC CCGTGCGTC CGTGCGTC GTGCGTC … Up to some reasonable limit… Don’t want to go back to root of tree each time…
Suffix Trees Suffix Links All internal, non-root nodes have a suffix link to another node If x is a single character and a is a (possibly empty) string (subsequence), then the path from the root to a node v spelling ax (path-label is ax) has a suffix link to node v’, whose path-label is a. Got that?
Suffix Trees Example: TORONTO$ Suffix Links… Don’t backtrack (bad ex.) T ORONTO$ O$ NTO$ RONTO$ O $ NTO$
Suffix Trees Example: BANANA$ Better example of Suffix Links A $ NA BANANA$ NA$ $ 24 $
Suffix Trees Example: BANANA$ Searching for suffixes of ‘ANANA’ A $ NA BANANA$ NA$ $ 24 $
Suffix Trees Example: BANANA$ Searching for suffixes of ‘ANANA’ A $ NA BANANA$ NA$ $ 24 $
Suffix Trees Example: BANANA$ Searching for suffixes of ‘ANANA’ A $ NA BANANA$ NA$ $ 24 $
Suffix Trees Example: BANANA$ Searching for suffixes of ‘ANANA’ A $ NA BANANA$ NA$ $ 24 $
Suffix Trees Example: BANANA$ Searching for suffixes of ‘ANANA’ A $ NA BANANA$ NA$ $ 24 $
Suffix Trees Example: BANANA$ Searching for suffixes of ‘ANANA’ A $ NA BANANA$ NA$ $ 24 $
Memory Limitations Suffix trees take up a fair bit of memory GPUs have 100’s of MBs, but this is still small Divide the target sequence into ‘k’ segments with overlaps
Cache Optimisation Memory latency high, cache performance crucial We’re walking a tree here, not crunching numbers down an array Can store read-only data in 2D textures; nVidia caching scheme optimises access Re-order and squish tree nodes into ‘texel blocks’ such that: Nodes near root are level-ordered (BFS) Nodes further down are ordered with descendants
Cache Optimisation Texture cache organized in 2x2 blocks. Try to place all children of a node are in the same cache block Shamelessly cribbed from:
Cache Optimisation Reference Sequence stored in 4x2 16 blocks of a 2D array Sequence: A B C D E F G H … ………. A E B F C G D H ………. α Φ β Χ Γ Ψ Δ Ω Why? It worked well.
Cache Optimisation Memory layouts heuristically determined nVidia cache details not public Cache optimisation improves execution speed ‘by several fold’.
Conclusions GPGPU isn’t just good for ‘arithmetic intensive’ applications 5-11x speed-up for NGS data
Conclusions Fine Print: 5-11x is for the Suffix Tree kernel on the GPU Reality is different! 3.5x speed-up for real data in terms of total application runtime. Pretty constant across read lengths ( bp) Careful management of memory layout is crucial Authors claim several-fold performance increase (could be difference between some improvement and none)
Conclusions Runtime dominated by serial parts of MUMmer
Food for Thought 8800 GTX costs ~$400, uses watts Quad Core 2 chip runs ~$250, uses watts Each core approx. 2x faster than their test CPU MUMmerGPU maximally 3.5x faster than test CPU What have we won here?
Food for Thought Confusing reports “Fast Exact String Matching on the GPU” (Schatz, Trapnell) claims up to 35x improvement Earlier course paper (early/mid-2007) Why from 35x down to 5-11x with MUMmerGPU?
My Impressions… (…whatever they’re worth) GPU is not a clear win (in this case) Suffix trees seem unsuited: Cache locality trouble O(n) footprint, but multiplicative constants are still substantial Host CPUs seem to be as good or better (in $ and watts)
My Impressions… GPGPU’s aren’t a great fit here At least for this algorithm… MUMmerGPU isn’t the order-of-magnitude win it claims to be But this is a first-generation, general- purpose chip geared toward number-crunching, not pointer- traversing I don’t think we’ve seen the last (nor the best) of GPUs…