ocean sure shore
USEFUL SYLLABLES CHART tiontialtious ciancialcious sionssionxious tientcient /sh/
Suffix or Not? Sometimes tion and sion are part of the base word and sometimes they are suffixes SuffixNot Vacationnation
Suffix or Not? How do I know? When they are used as suffixes, they turn a verb into a noun Look for the base word to decide Suffix ?Base Word?Meaning Vacationvacateto leave NationNanot a word
Suffix or Not? You try! Look for the base word to decide WordBase word?Meaning Mansion
Suffix or Not? You try! Look for the base word to decide WordBase word?Meaning MansionMan?Person
Suffix or Not? You try! Look for the base word to decide WordBase word?Meaning MansionMan?Person Multiplication
Suffix or Not? You try! Look for the base word to decide WordBase word?Meaning MansionMan?Person MultiplicationMultiplyTo add repeatedly
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