Medical Terminology
Objectives Identify basic medical abbreviations selected from a standard list Define prefixes, suffixes and word roots selected from a list of words Spell and pronounce medical terms correctly
Common Abbreviations Derived from Latin Terms ac (ante cibum) means "before meals" bid (bis in die) means "twice a day" gt (gutta) means "drop" hs (hora somni) means "at bedtime" od (oculus dexter) means "right eye" os (oculus sinister) means "left eye" po (per os) means "by mouth" pc (post cibum) means "after meals" prn (pro re nata) means "as needed" q 3 h (quaque 3 hora) means "every 3 hours" qd (quaque die) means "every day" qid (quater in die) means "4 times a day" Sig (signa) means "write" tid (ter in die) means "3 times a day"
Word Parts Word roots Suffixes Prefixes Combining vowels
Word Root A word root is the word part that is the core of the word Contains the fundamental meaning of the word and explains what part of the body is being talked about Examples Neur/o= nerves Hepat/o= liver Arthr/o= joint
Word Root Because the word root contains the fundamental meaning of the word, each medical term contains one or more word roots.
Suffix Suffix- A word part attached to the end of the word root to modify its meaning; indicates the procedure, disease, or condition Examples -itis= inflammation algia= pain ic= pertaining to ous= pertaining to
Prefix Prefix- A word part attached to the beginning of a word root to modify its meaning; usually indicates location, time, or number. Not all words have prefixes. Examples Sub= under or below Poly= many Post= after Intra= within Peri= surround or protect Pre= before
Combining Vowel Combining vowel is a word part, usually an O, and is used: Between two word roots It is NOT used when a suffix begins with a vowel -IS used when a suffix begins with a consonant
Combining Form A word root with the combing vowel attached, separated by a vertical slash Arthr/o= joint Oste/o= bone ven/o= vein
Defining Medical Terms Begin by defining the suffix, then move to the beginning of the term to complete the definition (does not apply to all medical terms)
Putting Medical Terms Together Poly+neur/o+itis = Polyneuritis Inflammation of many nerves Arthr/o+itis= Arthritis Inflammation of the joint Hepat/o+itis= Hepatitis Inflammation of the liver Sub+Hepat/o+ic = Subhepatic Pertaining to under the liver
Medical Terms Intra+ven/o+ous =Intravenous Arthr/o+path+y =Arthropathy Pertaining to within the vein Arthr/o+path+y =Arthropathy Condition of disease of the joint Oste/o+itis =Osteitis Inflammation of the bone
Word Roots Indicating Color Melan/o= black -oma=tumor, mass or swelling Melanoma polio/o=gray matter myel/o=spinal cord or bone marrow -itis= inflammation Poliomyelitis Cyan/o= blue; -sis= state of or condition cyanosis Erythr/o= red Cyte=cell erythrocytes Leuk/o= white Leukocytes
Suffixes Related to Procedures -centesis Surgical puncture to remove fluid -ectomy Surgical removal -graphy Process of recording a picture or record -gram Record or picture -plasty Surgical repair -scopy Visual examination
The Double RRs -rrhage and –rrhagia Mean bursting forth, an abnormal excessive fluid discharge or bleeding Ex: Hem/o+rrhage= hemorrhage - means the loss of a large amount of blood in a short time