Medical Terminology Introduction & Building Medical Terms
Medical Terminology Medical terminology is comprised of root words, prefixes, suffixes and combining forms Most of these parts are derived from Greek or Latin roots
Medical Terminology Correct spelling of these terms is imperative due to the critical circumstances in which they are used Pronunciation usually follows the rules of the English language
Medical Terminology Pronunciations: ~ c and g have the soft sounds of s or j, respectively, before e, i, & y ~ c and g have harsh sounds before a, o, and u ~ ch is sometimes pronounced like k
Medical Terminology Pronunciations: ~ ps is pronounced like s ~ pn is pronounced like n ~ ae is pronounced like ee ~ i at the end of a word is a long i
Medical Terminology
Medical Terminology Memorizing commonly used roots, prefixes and suffixes makes learning new terminology a simple task
Medical Terminology Root words are the basic descriptive part of a medical term: ~ usually accompanied by prefixes, suffixes or both ~ many times followed by a combining vowel forming a combining form
Medical Terminology Root words are the basic descriptive part of a medical term: ~ combining vowels are used with suffixes that start with a consonant and with other combining forms
Medical Terminology Root words are the basic descriptive part of a medical term: ~ combining vowels are dropped when the combining form is added to a suffix beginning with a vowel
Medical Terminology Terms containing two root words are called compound words
Medical Terminology Root word examples: ~ arthr(joint) ~ card(heart) ~ cephal(head) ~ pod(foot) ~ ophthalm(eye)
Medical Terminology Root word examples: ~ cyt(cell) ~ calc(calcium) ~ aut(self) ~ chrom(color) ~ morph(shape)
Medical Terminology Root word examples: ~ gloss(tongue) ~ pneum(air) ~ gastr(stomach) ~ leuk(white) ~ hydr(water)
Medical Terminology Root word examples: Greek Latin ~ nephr* ren (kidney) ~ derma* cut (skin) ~ stomat* or (mouth) ~ carcin* cancer (cancer)
Medical Terminology Prefixes are terminology parts that are placed before the root word to modify its meaning: ~ not affected by combining vowels ~ followed by a hyphen if written to stand alone
Medical Terminology Prefix examples: ~ hyper-(above) ~ hypo-(below) ~ pseudo-(false) ~ dys-(bad) ~ de-(reversing) ~ poly-(many) ~ an-(not) ~ a-(not)
Medical Terminology Prefix examples: ~ re-(again) ~ mono-(one) ~ uni-(one) ~ bi-(two) ~ di-(two) ~ tri-(three) ~ tetra-(four) ~ quad-(four)
Medical Terminology Prefix examples: ~ co-(together) ~ syn-(together) ~ dis-(apart) ~ ex-(out) ~ extra-(outside of) ~ intra-(inside) ~ endo-(inside) ~ peri-(around)
Medical Terminology Prefix examples: ~ pro-(before) ~ pre-(before) ~ ante-(before) ~ post-(after) ~ anti-(against) ~ meso-(middle) ~ dia-(through) ~ eu-(true)
Medical Terminology Suffixes are terminology parts that are placed after the root word to modify its meaning: ~ does affect the combining vowel ~ proceeded by a hyphen if written to stand alone
Medical Terminology Suffix examples: ~ -ology(study of) ~ -itis(inflammation) ~ -ia(condition of) ~ -crine(secrete) ~ -lytic(destroy) ~ -tomy(cut into) ~ -pathy(disease)
Medical Terminology Suffix examples: ~ -ic(pertaining to) ~ -al(pertaining to) ~ -eal(pertaining to) ~ -il(pertaining to) ~ -dyna(pain) ~ -algia(pain) ~ -emia(blood)
Medical Terminology Suffix examples: ~ -oid(form) ~ -megaly(enlargement) ~ -phobia(fear of) ~ -ose(sugar) ~ -ase(enzyme) ~ -penia(deficiency) ~ -osis(condition)
Medical Terminology PrefixSuffix Root word Combining form peri--itisophthalm periophthalmitis
Medical Terminology peri- hepat(o) -itis prefix root word combining form suffix Perihepatitis – Inflammation around the liver
Medical Terminology PrefixSuffix dys--pnea dyspnea
Medical Terminology Suffix Root word Combining form -ologyenter(o) gastroenterology Root word Combining form gastr(o)
Medical Terminology Plural endings: ~ the most common are -s, -es & -ies ~ -es for the singular -is ~ -a for the singular -um ~ -i for the singular -us ~ -ices for the singular -ex ~ -ices for the singular -is
Medical Terminology Plural endings: ~ -ae for the singular -a ~ -s or -mata for the singular -ma ~ -nges for the singular -nx ~ -a for the singular -on ~ -aces for the singular -ax