LESSON 4: SUFFIXES Lesson Goals: Continue memorization and understanding of suffix + part of speech
Bell Ringer Fill in the blanks without any worksheet, notecards, help, etc. When finished, trade with a partner and check your partner’s work We’ll go over answers together in 10 minutes
Part of Speech Cheat Sheet Yet another binder item Use to refer back when identifying words Remember to double check that the words you create with the suffix MATCH the correct part of speech/meaning of suffix
Suffix Bingo You’ll need a dry erase marker! Create your bingo board—a 5X5 board, BINGO across the top, free space in center Fill in your spaces with suffixes When you have a space called, circle or mark it so that the suffix is still visible I will call out one of three things for you to claim the space: The suffix itself The meaning of the suffix A word using the suffix Prizes to winners!
Textbooks – Look Through Please write your name in your book when you get it Sign the textbook sign off sheet as well These are yours to keep! Structure – Not a dictionary
Notecard Check In Due on Thursday 28 Cards Your study tool I’ll check them/collect them Thursday at beginning of class Time to work/study