Medical Terminology Mainly formed from Greek and Latin words Most careers in Health Care require an understanding of medical terms Medical words are usually divided into parts We use common rules to break a word or term apart and read it as a “sentence”
Using Word Parts to Build Terminology Four word parts make up a medical term: 1.Word root 2.Combining form 3.Prefix 4.Suffix
Using Word Parts to Build Terminology 1. Word Root (WR) The basic meaning of the term Usually indicates a body part Usually in Latin or Greek All terms must have one or more word roots – if it has more than one word root, it is a compound word Eg. RootMeaning NeurNerve Costrib
Using Word Parts to Build Terminology 2. Combining Form (CF) This is a word root plus a vowel to help pronounce certain medical terms The most common vowel is ‘o’ Combining forms are used between word roots in a compound word or when a suffix starts with a consonant Eg. Combining FormMeaning Neur/oNerve Cost/orib
Using Word Parts to Build Terminology NOTE: use the combining form of the word root when the suffix begins with a consonant For example: neuropathy = neur + o + pathy If the suffix begins with a vowel, do not use the combining form of the word root For example: neuritis = neur + itis
Using Word Parts to Build Terminology 3. Prefix Used at the beginning of a medical term They describe, modify or limit the term Not all medical terms have prefixes! Eg. PrefixMeaning Trans-Across, through Intra-In, within Sub-Less than, under
Using Word Parts to Build Terminology 4. Suffix The word ending To change the meaning of a word, we frequently change the suffix When connected to a word. The suffix will create a noun, adjective or verb Eg. SuffixMeaning -ectomyExcision or surgical removal (N) -alPertaining to (A)
Decoding Medical Terms Reading a medical term is a step-by-step process! To read or decode a term, follow these steps: 1.Start with the suffix (the word ending) and define the suffix 2.Define the prefix (beginning of the word) 3.Go to the middle of the word and define then word root + combining form (if both exist in the same word) 4.Combine the word part definitions to decode the complete term or phrase
Decoding Medical Terms EXAMPLE: Intraneural 1.Suffixal = pertaining to 2.Prefixintra = within 3.Middleneur = nerve 4.Combine = pertaining to within a nerve