Digital Object Identifiers for EOSDIS data ESDSWG TIWG November 2, 2011 John Moses, ESDIS
Publishable Persistent Data Identifiers Want unique and lasting data identifiers for publication – More frequent and consistent citation of EOSDIS datasets – To find the NASA data used in research Regardless of where it is moved to or who becomes responsible for it The LTA corollary: To find the documentation for archived data – To enable metrics collection on cited datasets Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) have emerged as the most accepted data identifier in the publishing community.
What is a Digital Object Identifier? The DOI® system and the Handle System: Internet infrastructure – DOI is an application of the Handle System to intellectual property – Owned by International DOI Foundation (IDF)– The system was developed from the publishing industry (circa 2000) – Internet resolution service for unique and persistent identifiers of digital objects Consists of two part alphanumeric string doi:[prefix]/[suffix] – E.g., /123; Prefix 10 is the DOI registry identifier; 1234 the Registrant (e.g. NASA) – Suffix alphanumeric string identifies the data item as decided by the registrant or agent – Example for Earthquake Event Dataset Authored by Automated System: Geofon operator (2009): GEOFON event gfz2009kciu (NW Balkan Region) GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam(GFZ). [ doi: /GFZ.GEOFON.gfz2009kciu ]doi: /GFZ.GEOFON.gfz2009kciu Citation and Location information is maintain at the DOI registry by an IDF Registrant Agent (RA) through a subscription provider – Citation and location information can be updated as frequently as desired by the Registrant subscription holder – Desire is for one DOI per data item; but registry does not preclude multiple registrations/publishers of ‘similar’ data – Can migrate existing DOIs to new or different Registrant Agent and/or owner at any time
Implementing DOIs for EOSDIS – Develop ops concept and scope ESDIS-DAAC roles/responsibilities Prepare guidelines for DOI suffix profile, citation/location information. Draw on CDL (Joan Starr) and DOE experience (Sharon Jordan) Want DOIs to be attractive to users, solicit feedback from DAAC UWGs Assign roles and responsibilities; Prepare guidance and instructions; Subscribe for DOI service ($2,500/yr) Request, assign, monitor DOIs, citation & location info Add DOIs to DAAC product citation web pages Add DOIs to GCMD and ECHO through metadata updates Imbed DOIs into product metadata at next reprocessing Add DOI metadata to NTRS for searchable documentation Setup metrics collection from journal citation reports
Implementation in Interoperable Architectures Metadata flows in NASA Earth Science Data Systems 5 Provenance collection DOI Provenance Services tools DOI NASA Technical Reports Server DOI tools
Operations Concept ESDIS approves the process for assigning DOI structure names – Approve new DOIs and best practices Avoid organization references in the structure Assign new DOIs at dataset level, when a major change in product version Support ancillary (e.g., non-NASA) ES datasets on non-interference basis – Keep DOI suffix structure master – ensures consistency and uniqueness i.e., maintain two levels – / – Monitor citation and location maintenance Support action on nominal rate of requests from DAACs, submits the citation and location information through EZID – Provide guidance on implementation of DOIs in metadata DAACs propose the products/order to be assigned DOIs – Provide citation and location information according to ESDIS guidelines Grandfather or reassign ORNL existing doi name. for – Post online DOI information as they become associated with datasets – Work with Science/Mission instrument teams and product generation teams to get DOIs embedded into product granule-level metadata
Member Institute using DataCite (RA): California Digital Library and EZID EZID is a service providing researchers a way to manage identifiers persistently for datasets, files, and resources of all types. The service is available via a machine to machine programming interface (an API) and as a web user interface. EZID Core functions: – Create a persistent identifier: DOI – Add object location (URL landing page, separate from citation) – Add citation metadata (DataCite repository, mandatory shown below) Creator (person or organization) Title (long name of dataset) Publisher (holder of the data – organization making it available) Publication Year (year when data was, or will be first available) – Update object location – Update object metadata
DOI Persistence
Registration Agent: DataCite DataCite, established a scientific data application with IDF. DataCite Service is run by open membership organization of gov and edu libraries. Focused on improving the scholarly infrastructure around datasets. Most appropriate RA because of their focus on working with data centers to assign persistent identifiers to datasets leveraging the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) infrastructure.Digital Object Identifier (DOI) United States Member Institutes – California Digital Library (Founding Member) Recommended subscription provider because of bulk pricing and EZID Web/API services – Office of Scientific and Technical Information, US Department of Energy ( new Member Dec 2010) Office of Scientific and Technical Information, US Department of Energy – Purdue University Libraries (Member) – Interuniversity Consortium for Political and Social Research - ICPSR (Associate Member) – Microsoft Research (Associate Member) TIB: German National Library of Science and Technology
DAAC Recommendations for DOIs ORNL already using CrossRef RA but would like to transition to DataCite and California Digital Library’s EZID (Bob Cook) – Views EZID as having better services more closely aligned to our community – DataCite and EZID have started discussions with Thomson Reuters to get data citations (i.e., DOIs) in their index; expose EZID catalog. – Expects easy transition – DOI remains the same; get machine readable citation from CrossRef; script using EZID api to populate DataCite metadata. NSIDC recommends using DOIs and EZID (Ruth Duerr & Mark Parsons) – bulk pricing – a web service as well as API for bulk processing – ARKs as well as DOIs – to support granule citations GSFC in contact with CDL about DOIs and EZID (Chris Lynnes) – Involved in structure for AIRS observations in CMIP5 – Interested in a project wide approach and service PODAAC has expressed interest in assigning DOIs (Andy Bingham)