Welcome to Morphology Monday Everything you need to know before the fun begins!!!
It’s Morphology Time!!!
What is Morphology? Morphology is the study of word meaning by examining the units of meaning within a word.
Morphology The bits and pieces of meaning within words.
What is a Morpheme? The smallest unit of meaning. It may be an entire word (cat) or an element of a word (re- and -ed in reappeared).
What is an Affix? An affix is a morpheme that is attached to a word stem to form a new word.
What are the types of Affixes? Prefix – a meaningful segment that attaches to a Base word. The prefix changes the meaning of the Base. Suffix – a segment that attaches to the end of a Base. The suffix determines the grammatical function of the word. (noun, adjective, verb, etc.)
Prefixes Prefixes can be added to the beginnings of many words to change the word’s meaning. For example, the prefix un- gives the opposite meaning to any word it is added to. Some prefixes have more than one meaning but having these memorized will enable your vocabulary to exceed its normal range.
Suffixes A suffix is placed at the end of a word or part of a word. When you add suffixes you often change the word’s function (part of speech) as well as its meaning. Check out the example on the next slide.
Word Sum Ex + claim -- exclaim Ex + claim + ate + ion --- exclaimation (noun) Claim + ant --- claimant (noun) Claim + s --- claims (verb or plural noun) Claim + ed --- claimed (verb) Claim + ing --- claiming (verb)
Root Word A Root Word is the original use and meaning of a word. These are often no longer “pure” or necessarily current. Latin, Greek and Old French are the 3 most common English derivatives.
Roots are Important to Meaning!!! Latin and Greek roots are extremely important in unlocking vocabulary you never knew before. For example if you know that there are two Latin words that mean “light”- luc and lum- you can at least begin to figure out the words on the following slide.
Can you figure out any of the words below? _____ is celebrating by making the place luminous by arranging lights and burning the crackers. ____ prescribes panda toenail unction to be spread on the forehead before sleep to make the dreams more lucid. _____ adds the rice and cooks gently until the grains begin to turn translucent. _____ face was Illuminated by the winter sun.
Can you figure out any of the words below? Luminous Lucid Translucent Illuminate Luminary radiating or reflecting light easily understood, clear perception or understanding clear, easily understandable To supply with light, to enlighten as with knowledge a celestial body (sun or moon), a body or object that gives off light
Extra Help!!! It might have helped you on some of these words to know some affixes for example: -ous is a suffix that creates an adjective Trans- means across or through Il- means not
What is a Base Word? A Base Word is the word segment that is currently being used in today’s world. - Free Base – Can stand alone with no affix. - Bound Base – Needs an affix for meaning –
- Base Word Rules - A Base word may have more than 1 Prefix and/or Suffix. must The Spelling Rules must be consulted when trying to determine the Base word.
Words can have more than one root, prefix, or suffix Words with 2 roots: – Anthropology – Barometer – Photograph – Psychology Words with 2 prefixes: – Unenlightened – Intercontinental – Deconstruct Words with 2 suffixes: – Anonymously – Mindlessly – brightened
AS WE READ... In our reading, it is important to know the Root Word as well as the Base Word since much of the literature is very old.
Questions of Reflection Answer the following questions in complete sentences: 1.How might knowing units of meaning within a word help you to read better? 2.How might knowing units of meaning within a word help you to write better? 3.Would this be useful to any other class you currently have? Explain. 4.What are some differences between root words and base words?