Root Words What are root words ? A root word is a word that has nothing added at the beginning or the end. It stands on its own as a word. It has a meaning. New words can be made from root words by adding prefixes and suffixes. They share spelling and have linked meaning.
Examples Use: useless, usable, misuse Beauty: beautiful, beautifully, beautician Faith: faithful, faithfully, unfaithful
Root Words are Helpful Because: * You can use a root word to help with spelling. * Root Words help you understand what a word means.
Prefixes What is a prefix? A prefix is a word beginning. It is a group of letters you add to the beginning of a root word. mis + fortune = misfortune
Prefix Rules 1.When you add a prefix to a root word the spelling of the prefix and the root words stays the same. in + visible = invisible
2.With some root words more than one type of prefix may be added to give the word different meanings. dis + appear = disappear
3. Sometimes, you can add more than one prefix to a word at the same time. re + dis + cover = rediscover
4. You can also add a prefix to a word which already has a suffix added to it. un + want + ed = unwanted
Suffixes What is a suffix ? A suffix is a word ending. It is a group of letters you can add to the end of the root word. noise + y = noisy
Suffix Rules 1. For most short words that end in a single consonant double the last letter when you add a suffix. run + ing = running
2. For most longer words that end in “l” double the “l” when you add the suffix. travel + ing = travelling
3. For most longer words that have stress on the last syllable AND end in a single consonant double the last letter. begin + er = beginner
4. With words ending in a consonant and a suffix starting in a consonant, you don’t need to double the last letter of the word. commit + ment = commitment
GAME SOURCE 1. Is this correct or incorrect? un + recognize + able = unrecognizable correct incorrect
2.Is this word sum correct or in correct? tire + ed = tireed correct incorrect
3. Is this word sum correct or incorrect.? * care + less = carless correct incorrect
Which of these is a root word? station pollution promotion professional
5 Which of these is a root word? complete commuter coming
6.Which of these is not a root word? love runny try
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