Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary Level G, Unit 13 Murphy


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Presentation transcript:

Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary Level G, Unit 13 Murphy English 111 Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary Level G, Unit 13 Murphy

Abstruse (clue = obtuse wouldn’t get it) (adj.) extremely difficult to understand Synonyms: esoteric, arcane, recondite, occult Antonyms: simple, straightforward

Affront (clue=confront) (n.) an open or intentional insult; a slight; (v.) to insult to one’s face; to face in defiance, confront Synonyms: (n.) offense; (v.) offend Antonym: (n., v.) compliment, praise

Canard (sing like a canary) (n.) a false rumor, fabricated story Synonym: hoax

Captious (clue=capt.) (adj.) excessively ready to find fault; given to petty criticism; intending to trap, confuse, or show-up Synonyms: faultfinding; nit-picking, carping Antonym: uncritical

Cognizant (clue = recognize) (adj.) aware, knowledgeable, informed; having jurisdiction Synonyms: conscious, acquainted Antonyms: unaware, unconscious, oblivious

Contrite (clue=ex-con) (adj.) regretful for some misdeed or sin; plagued by a sense of guilt; thoroughly penitent Synonyms: remorseful, rueful Antonyms: unrepentant, unapologetic, impenitent

Cynosure (clue=nose) (n.) the center of attraction, attention, or interest; something that serves to guide or direct Synonym: focus

Decorous (clue=well-decorated) (adj.) well behaved, dignified socially proper Synonyms: seemly, becoming, tasteful Antonyms: unseemly, unbecoming, improper, tasteless

Deign (clue=reign supreme) (v.) to think it appropriate or suitable to one’s dignity to do something; to condescend Synonyms: deem, stoop

Desiccated (clue=desert) (adj.) thoroughly dried out; divested of spirit or vitality; arid and uninteresting Synonyms: dehydrated, shriveled, parched Antonyms: sodden, soggy, waterlogged, drenched

Efficacy (clue=efficient, effective) (n.) the power to produce a desired result Synonyms: effectiveness, potency, reliability Antonyms: ineffectiveness, impotence

Engender (clue=two genders) (v.) to bring into existence, give rise to, produce; to come into existence, assume form Synonyms: beget, generate, cause, form Antonyms: stop, deter

Ethereal (clue=almost not real) (adj.) light, airy, delicate; highly refined; suggesting what is heavenly (rather than earthbound) Synonyms: heavenly, celestial, gossamer Antonyms: infernal, hellish, thick, heavy

Façade (clue=face) (n.) the front or face of the building; a surfaced appearance (as opposed to what may lie behind) Synonyms: exterior, surface, mask, pretense Antonym: interior

Ghoulish (clue-ghoul) (adj.) revolting in an unnatural or morbid way; suggestive of someone who robs graves or otherwise preys on the dead Synonyms: fiendish, barbarous, monstrous

Incongruous (clue=congress) (adj.) not in keeping, unsuitable, incompatible Synonyms: discordant, jarring Antonyms: compatible, harmonious, consistent

Machination (clue=Machiavelli) (n.) a crafty, scheming, or underhanded action designed to accomplish some (usually evil) end Synonyms: plot, scheme, maneuver

Mesmerize (clue=hypnotize with eyes) (v.) to hypnotize, entrance; to fascinate, enthrall, bewitch

Opprobrium (clue=probation) (n.) disgrace arising from shameful conduct; contempt, reproach Synonyms: infamy, dishonor, odium, shame Antonyms: acclaim, honor, glory, renown

Putative (clue=reputed) (adj.) generally regarded as such; reputed, hypothesized, inferred Synonym: supposed, presumed Antonyms: known, corroborated, confirmed