The “Less Honorable” Parts of the Body 1Corinthians 12:12-31 Which ones are they? Why are they vital? What’s the duty toward? What’s the point of it all?
The “Less Honorable” Parts of the Body Before anything else, we have to identify those termed “less honorable” parts of the Body. Not by financial status, Jas.2:1-4 Not by sinful conduct- it must not be tolerated by the Body, 1Cor.5:1-2 Not the unsaved, since they are not part of the Body, 1Cor.12:12-13 (there are no associate, junior, or non- participating memberships) The weaker and less honorable members only “seem” and are “deemed” so by us, vv By context, they were members which possessed those spiritual gifts which were less attractive to the Corinthians, vv Corinthians 12:12-31 Which ones are they? Why are they vital? What’s the duty toward? What’s the point of it all?
The “Less Honorable” Parts of the Body Since we do not possess miraculous spiritual gifts today (cf. 13:8-10), does it mean that this text has no relativity to and for us? No, because: We do posses varying degrees of talents, abilities, and knowledge in “the perfect” Jas.1:25; Rom.12:4-8 We still possess the tendency to view one another as more or less honorable based on above, Rom.12:3 Thus, though the criteria used for determination has changed slightly, the tendency still exists- which results in continued need for the teaching. 1Corinthians 12:12-31 Which ones are they? Why are they vital? What’s the duty toward? What’s the point of it all?
The “Less Honorable” Parts of the Body If one member is more knowledgeable in, and has more talent or ability with the Word, especially in public ways, why shouldn’t they be deemed more honorable than other parts? Because: God uses all members to accomplish His purposes, vv.5-11 The Body is not “one member, but many.” v.14 All the parts are vital to the overall work of the Body, vv Those legs that encourage and bring visitors are just as important as the mouth that teaches them truth- one cannot survive w/o the other! 1Corinthians 12:12-31 Which ones are they? Why are they vital? What’s the duty toward? What’s the point of it all?
The “Less Honorable” Parts of the Body What is to be done for those members that are deemed less honorable? A question to illustrate: WWhich parts of our physical bodies do we clothe and why? IIs it not true that we clothe the parts we deem less honorable in an effort to make them more so? WWe clothe our “vital” and reproductive organs because we deem them less honorable than our hands, heads, etc. (cf. v.24a) BBut which of us believes that our head or hands could survive long without our heart, stomach, etc.? 1Corinthians 12:12-31 Which ones are they? Why are they vital? What’s the duty toward? What’s the point of it all?
So how do we clothe the spiritual parts we view as less honorable to make them more so? DDon’t think more highly of yourself than you ought! Rom.12:3 RRecognize for yourself “that which every joint supplies, according to the proper working of each individual part.” Eph.4:16 AAcknowledge and commend the contribution each makes for the benefit of the whole. Eph.4: Cor.12: :12 SSubmit to God, and emulate Him the matter! 1Cor.12: Corinthians 12:12-31 Which ones are they? Why are they vital? What’s the duty toward? What’s the point of it all?
The “Less Honorable” Parts of the Body How should this affect the local spiritual Body of Christ? “That there should be no division in body” v.25a NNo division in honor concerning working members, vv.21, NNo division in care for one another, vvv.25b-26 There should be no “jealousy and selfish ambition” over roles deemed more honorable, Jas.3:13-18 AAll should be willing to work together for the Cause, and therefore common good of the Body rather than self, Eph.4:1-3 > Corinthians 12:12-31 Which ones are they? Why are they vital? What’s the duty toward? What’s the point of it all?
This local spiritual Body of Christ, like every other, needs: No divisions, but the same care one for another- it won’t survive without it. No body can. The common objectives of peace and unity together with the common purpose of spiritual growth. Such is the meaning of true “fellowship”. Members willing to be the heart, legs and feet- these may be deemed less honorable by some, but provide opportunities for growth though: >compassion-motivated service >visitors to our services and other potential converts to Christ. They are vital to the Cause! 1Corinthians 12:12-31 Which ones are they? Why are they vital? What’s the duty toward? What’s the point of it all?