Emergency Transportation Operations (ETO) Plan Wisconsin Department of Transportation
WEM/EOC DSP Liaison County/Regional EOC Liaison WEM/EOC DTSD Liaison County/Regional EOC Liaison WEM/EOC OPA Liaison WisDOT Organizational Chart–Key ETO Roles Secretary’s Office Office of Public Affairs (OPA) Division of Transportation System Development (DTSD) Division of State Patrol (DSP) Division of Business Management (DBM) Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) ETO Personnel* Regional Incident Management Coordinator STOC DTSD Duty Officer ETO Personnel* Trooper IMT Duty Sergeants Communication Centers ETO Personnel* Motor Carrier Staff Technical Staff ETO Personnel* Procurement Specialist Webmaster DBM Duty Officer Technical Staff *Typical
Regional Incident Management Coordinator (RIMC) Overview
RIMC Mission Serve as DTSD’s first responder for incidents that involve state-owned infrastructure Objectives Provide on-scene response support to public safety first responders during any incident that involves state-owned infrastructure Respond as the owner representative and actively participate in incident response and management Improve the safety of first responders and the traveling public by monitoring infrastructure integrity and ensuring that proper traffic control measures are in place Remain involved until the incident is completely resolved
Communication Flow Chart
RIMC Responsibilities Communication Evaluate Response Needs –It is expected that RIMCs will respond on-scene to all incidents they are notified of or that they will justify their reasons for not responding –Expected on-scene response is a recent, foundational change based on the ETO Plan –If a RIMC is unsure as to whether or not they should respond to the incident scene, contact should be made with the reporting agency and ideally with someone that is already on-scene
RIMC Responsibilities Communication (cont.) Coordinate Resources –RIMCs have the authority to request additional resources as they deem necessary during the course of an incident Coordinate County Highway Dept Response –Determine level of response necessary –Assess county’s ability to provide needed services –Coordinate response activities during a multi-county response Notify Additional WisDOT Personnel –Contact the DTSD Regional Duty Officer for incidents of significant impact –Will not be in contact with WisHELP
Incidents of Significant Impact A major highway incident involving fire, explosion or the release of hazardous materials which causes the evacuation of the immediate area and the closing of the roadway Any incident that is posing an immediate threat to the traveling public or causing motorists to be stranded A highway accident which causes the death of five or more people A chain collision involving 15 or more vehicles - the amount of damage caused is not a determining factor Any accident involving a school bus and causing fatalities or disabling injuries
Incidents of Significant Impact Any incident that causes an unexpected closure of the interstate or a major state highway for more than 6 hours Any incident that causes major damage to highway facilities Natural disasters that impede the free use of a highway for more than 6 hours Any incident which is potentially hazardous, like a bomb threat Any incident that prevents the free use of highways, such as intentional truck blockage or sniper fire Other politically sensitive incidents that may be of major concern to the Governor, the Legislature or the federal government Any incident where the media are on-scene
RIMC Responsibilities On-Scene Field Response Arrive Prepared –Always respond with proper identification (on your person and on the RIMC vehicle), business cards, and wearing high-visibility safety apparel Follow ICS –Report to the Incident Commander upon arrival at the incident scene –For larger incidents, report to the Liaison Officer Assess and Monitor Infrastructure Integrity –RIMCs have the authority to request law enforcement close a road and/or bridge if they deem it necessary
Contacting the Regional Duty Officer While on-call a RIMC should consider the Regional Duty Officer to be their acting “Supervisor” Will not be in contact with WisHELP RIMCs should contact their Regional Duty Officer: Beyond comfort level Need for resources Becomes an incident of significant impact Incident escalates to a regional response
Regional Duty Officer (RDO) Overview
Role of the Regional Duty Officer Serve as the single point of contact for their area of operations during an emergency Serve as the DTSD representative in unified command Serve as the liaison to the DTSD Division Operations Director Serve as the Incident Commander, if designated Understand available resources and allocate as required Initiate the WisDOT Internal ETO Response
Regional Duty Officer Objectives Coordinate with the appropriate field staff, including WisHELP, to jointly evaluate the need for regional or statewide response Evaluate emergency situations and determine if a situation requires additional regional assistance Determine the need for the DSP Incident Management Team Determine if a liaison is needed for other agencies Ensure that the WisDOT ETO Response is initiated
Regional Duty Officer Activation The RDO may be activated by BHO Management, not typical The RDO typically will be activated by the RIMC using the following guidelines: –“Incident of Significant Impact” guidelines –Unable to obtain resources –RIMC is uncomfortable with the situation
WisHELP Role
WisHELP Role in ETO Serves as WisDOT’s DTSD liaison at the EOC Act under the direction and authority of the WISDOT BHO Management The WisHELPer is a conduit for highway-related information at the EOC and between the EOC and WisDOT DTSD management The WisHELPer works directly with the EOC State Patrol representatives at the EOC On behalf of WISDOT, the WisHELPer’s main function is to assist WEM staff during the event
WisHELP Response Flow Diagram Initial response occurs when SEOC is activated BHO Management and RDO are notified if warranted Coordinate with DSP at SEOC and provide information to WisDOT staff
WisDOT ETO Response Process
WisDOT Internal Incident Command/Response Local (Scene Only) Regional Area (Statewide) Response Escalation SEOC Activation?
WisDOT Emergency Response - Local Initial response occurs at local level & first responders contact STOC STOC activate RIMC, who coordinate with Law Enforcement/DSP If DSP is involved, RIMC & DSP will determine if additional WisDOT response is warranted
WisDOT Emergency Response - Regional RIMC will contact Regional Duty Officer (RDO) RDO & DSP Management determine WisDOT internal command structure/Incident Commander WisDOT Regional response follows ICS process SEOC activation may or may not occur at this level
WisDOT Emergency Response - Area WisDOT Incident Commander follows ICS process If WisDOT Incident Commander determines Area response is required they contact the DTSD Operations Director Incident Command is transferred to state level SEOC activation may or may not occur at this level