Business Plan Preparation Outline
Business Plan Preparation Guide This summary was prepared to help its users put together a business plan (B.P.). The business plan is a prerequisite for any investment proposal submitted to CAPE Fund In preparing your B.P., include all information that you deem pertinent to the extent it is not mentioned in this outline. We encourage you to seek professional help to complete your B.P. where required. 2
Business Plan Preparation Guide Executive Summary – Prepared last. Company Description – Include background (history), mission & objectives and ownership details – Facilities (scope and location) Detailed Description of Product or Service – Key attributes, stage of development, etc – Describe any proprietary intellectual property – Describe any applicable regulatory requirements Value Proposition – Why do customers care and why are they buying your products or services? Include both qualitative and economic analysis. 3
Business Plan Preparation Guide Market Assessment – Provide specific information and analysis of the industry and the specific segment in which you operate Include market research (trends, size and growth of industry, product life cycle) Structure of the industry 4
Business Plan Preparation Guide Description of Competitors Who are they? How and on what basis do you compete? Include characteristics that will allow you to “best” the competition on a sustainable basis (SWOT analysis may be helpful as well as product/feature matrix comparison) 5
Business Plan Preparation Guide Business and Pricing (Revenue) Model – How do you deliver your products or services to the market? How are they priced? Who are your partners in delivering “the solution” sought by your customers? – How do you make money? Marketing Plan – How do you position your products or services? – How do you create awareness of your products? – How do you do you get your product into the hands of your customers (sales)? – How do you support your products after sale? 6
Business Plan Preparation Guide Operations Plan – Describe how you intend to run your business Strategy, scope, outsourcing, etc Management Plan – Summary bios of management team – Organizational chart with delineated responsibilities Board of Directors – Names and bios 7
Business Plan Preparation Guide Sources and Uses of Funds – Provide detailed table Historical Financials and Projections – 4 years of historical and 3 – 5 years projections with detailed assumptions – First two years’ projections should be monthly – Include balance sheet, income statement and cash flow. – Should include explicatory narrative on both historical and forecast financials. Describe how CAPE Fund might exit from its investment over a 5 to 7 year period. 8
Business Plan Preparation Guide Fit with CAPE Fund – Describe how the proposal fits within CAPE Fund’s mission and goals – Describe the benefits to Aboriginal community / individuals – Describe any training / mentoring programs to be put in place to ensure Aboriginal participation in the management team in the mid-term – Describe any governance “policies” to ensure that economic benefits flow to the community at large – Put the project in the context of a Community Economic Development Plan if available 9
Business Plan Preparation Guide Appendices (where applicable) – Detailed financials and notes thereto – Letters of support / Letters of Intent – Key contracts – Additional market / Industry data – Plant location / layout / photos – Resumes of key individuals – Supplier and customer list – Promotional / marketing materials 10