Www.jno.hu Czippán Katalin 11 November 2011, Slovenia www.jno.hu Teacher Competencies for ESD The Work of UNECE Working Group.


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Presentation transcript:

Czippán Katalin 11 November 2011, Slovenia Teacher Competencies for ESD The Work of UNECE Working Group

Education, public awareness, communication = facilitate, support learning in formal, non-formal, informal context Education

What Do We Have to Learn for SD? ”We learn not for school, but for life!” For life = useful?

What Does Useful Mean? When? –1900, 1920, 1940 –1990, 2011 –2020, 2030 Where? –Europe, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, UK, Germany, USA, Zimbabwe, Bhutan, … –Capital, rural area, … Whom? –Single person, parent, engineer, headmaster

Competency from a constructivist point of view TASK – we have algorithm to deal with PROBLEM – we do not have algorithm for - YET COMPETENCY= willingness and ability to mobilize knowledge, skills, (resources) to create algorithmS to solve a problem Inspired by the discussion with I. Nahalka (Aug. 2011)

What is Sustainability Our vision for the future is of a region that embraces common values of solidarity, equality and mutual respect between people, countries and generations. It is a region characterized by sustainable development, including economic vitality, justice, social cohesion, environmental protection and the sustainable management of natural resources, so as to meet the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. UNECE Strategy on ESD 2005

COMPETENCY for SD being able to mobilise knowledge, skills, (resources) to create algoritmS to solve a problem with responsibility based on solidarity, equality and mutual respect between people, countries and generations while contributing to economic vitality, justice, social cohesion, environmental protection and the sustainable management of natural resources

The Role of Education for Sustainability – I. ESD can promote a shift in people’s mindsets and in so doing enable them to make our world safer, healthier and more prosperous, thereby improving the quality of life. UNECE ESD Strategy 2005

The Role of Education for Sustainability – II. The most important role for ESD is to equip individuals and groups with the knowledge, skills and attitudes they need to make conscious choices aimed at achieving and preserving a world which both they and future generations will deem fit to live and work in. Educational institutions, local communities, civil society and employers are all key players in developing and promoting such competences. EU 2010

SD Competencies by previous presenters Gregor critical thinking complex thinking weighing evidence presenting reasoned arguments goal setting seeking alternative solutions adapting to change advocating for change Mojca Systemic and critical thinking and reasoning Creativity encouragement Tackling the problems and offering ways to solve them instead of only providing knowledge Opening the door to multi - and interdisciplinary study Improving the quality of life, consistent with nature Consideration of our social values Encouraging individuals and groups to positive change Barica content knowledge knowledge on SD concept Pedagogical knowledge Analytical thinking Creative thinking Critical thinking Eco-systemical thinking Natalija area of social competence and citizen literacy, which can not be perceived as identical with the standard knowledge Greening - professional skills

SD Competencies by UNECE Can be found in the Guidance for Reporting on the Implementation of the UNECE Strategy for Education for Sustainable Development, Reporting Format, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Geneva.Reporting Format

UNECE – Competencies for ESD The development of a sustainable society should be seen as a continuous process of learning and change, involving a variety of actors providing guidance and leadership in formal, non-formal and informal learning. UNECE Competency Expert Group 2011

UNECE Expert Group Achievement on Educators’ Competencies in ESD Educator is everyone who support formal, informal, non-formal learning Special ESD competencies beyond being a good educator Rather goals for a teaching community than a list of compulsory competencies for a single teacher Policy recommendations

Educators’ Competencies in ESD - elements Learning to know -The educator understands… Learning to do -The educator is able to … Learning to live together -The educator works with others in ways that… Learning to be -The educator is someone who…

Educators’ Competencies in ESD- Key Territories HOLISTIC APPROACHTowards integrative thinking and practice ENVISIONING CHANGE Past, present and future ACHIEVING TRANSFORMATION People, pedagogy and education systems

Policy Recommendations-1 Professional development in education empowering training – the managers, leaders as well embedding into teacher education, never-ending professional development, accredation systems consider in resource allocation special focus on higher education encourage establish partnerships networks

Policy Recommendations-2 Governing and managing institutions Synergies among processes Create distribute models Encourage support-institutions Adopt whole institution approach Transparent and accountable governance Strategic evaluation as part of learning

Policy Reccomendaion-3 Curriculum-development Based on SD and ESD competencies Review textbooks and other educational materials Monitoring and assessment Review/develop it based on SD and ESD goals

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