Prospects for a New Basic Agreement between the EU and Russia Paul Kalinichenko (Doctor of Law, Professor) Kutafin Moscow State Law University
Why the EU and Russia need the new treaty? Russia has created the foundation of a market economy; the country has entered a period of economic growth, Russia joined the WTO; The EU has created an economic and monetary union, introduced the single currency, the euro, increased its membership from 15 to 27, created mechanisms of a common foreign policy and a common security and defense policy. Humanity has become convinced that the Cold War has been replaced not by harmony and peace among nations, but by a new wave of violence which has assumed the form of regional wars, ethnic conflicts, international terrorism and transnational crime; The relations of partnership and cooperation between the EU and Russia have become daily practice. Moreover, their joint initiative - of creating four "common spaces" in the future - elevates the relations between the partners to a qualitatively new level.
Variants for the development of the EU-Russia contractual basis Preparing a new agreement to fully supersede PCA as soon as it is signed and ratified by Russia, the European Union and its Member States. Extending the PCA as stipulated under the Agreement's Article 106 until such time as the Parties deem it practicable to replace it with a new agreement(s). Swiss model of integration “a la carte”
Official initiative 2006 Russian initiative in spring of 2006 The negotiations opened in july pauses: –Poland-Lithuania –South Ossetia conflict –Modern circumstances
The New Basic Agreement Act of lex generalis Mixed agreement Should reflect the integrational luggage between the EU and Russia
European proposals Common values FTA Plus Energy provisions
Russian proposals New institutional framework The Four Common Spaces Investment guarantees
Structure of the NBA General provisions Common economic space Common space of freedom, security and justice Common space of foreign security Common space of education and science, including cultural aspects Institutional and final provisions
Modern circumstances Russia joined the WTO Russia is planning to join the OECD Russia started the processes in the Framework of the Custom Union Russia launched the negotiations on the FTA with the EFTA countries in 2010 Russia is proposing the concept of the common market from Lisbon to Vladivostok
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