Adopting the Right Attitude Toward the Pressures of School M ANAGING S TRESS
CAUSES OF STRESS Stress is caused by good and bad events Holmes-Rahe Scale examples: EventPoints Death of a Spouse100 Divorce of a Parent87 Marriage50 Pregnancy40 Child leaving home29 Beginning or Ending School26 Change in Residence20 Change in Schools20 Christmas12 2 M ANAGING S TRESS
E VENTS A FFECT D IFFERENTLY How would you react to: Receiving a traffic ticket An argument with a friend Being cut off on the highway Speaking in public Death of a family member 3 M ANAGING S TRESS
C AUSES OF S TRESS Threats Uncertainty Dissonance 4 M ANAGING S TRESS
C AUSES OF S TRESS Threats – inability to control challenges to physical, social, financial well being If I can’t get my grades up, I will be thrown out of school. 5 M ANAGING S TRESS
C AUSES OF S TRESS Uncertainty – inability to predict outcomes I did terribly on that exam. I sure would like to know my grade as soon as possible. 6 M ANAGING S TRESS
C AUSES OF S TRESS Dissonance – differences between outcomes and expectations This first semester is clearly not what I wanted it to be. 7 M ANAGING S TRESS
S TRESS : P OSITIVE AND N EGATIVE POSITIVENEGATIVE Starting a new careerGetting fired Working to make better grades Receiving a bad grade Buying a new carHaving a car accident Getting marriedGetting divorced Working outGaining weight Desired pregnancyUnwanted pregnancy 8 M ANAGING S TRESS
S IGNS OF S TRESS : M ENTAL Inability to concentrate Feeling irritable, restless, frustrated, or confused Obsession with negative thoughts Mood swings Emotional outbursts Lack of humor 9 M ANAGING S TRESS
S IGNS OF S TRESS : P HYSICAL Eating too much Indigestion or diarrhea Muscle tension Racing heart or chest pains Sweating Short breathing 10 M ANAGING S TRESS
M ANAGING S TRESS : A VOIDING / P REVENTING C AUSES realistic goals Set realistic goals (to avoid cognitive dissonance) priorities Develop priorities (to avoid activities you do not deem important) stress you out Know the events and activities that “stress you out” gain control Know actions you can take to gain control over the situation Plan ahead Plan ahead to avoid doing more than you can handle Focus on the long-term Focus on the long-term, rather than current issues that are prompting stress 11 M ANAGING S TRESS
M ANAGING S TRESS : P HYSICAL A CTIVITIES Research shows that our physical actions affect our mental state Exercise Sleep Recreation 12 M ANAGING S TRESS
G ETTING E XERCISE Research has noted a correlation between exercise and reduced stress. 13 M ANAGING S TRESS
P ROPER R EST Research shows a correlation between stress and a lack of rest Know how much sleep you need Do you function best in the morning or evening? Are naps beneficial to you? How does staying up late affect you? Maintain a sleep pattern that is good for you 14 M ANAGING S TRESS
R ECREATION Differs from exercise (may not be physical) Know what activities make you happy Schedule your recreation Do not participate to the extent that it interferes with priorities or makes you feel guilty later Why did I waste so much time playing video games! 15 M ANAGING S TRESS