Journalists killed - 145, 97 by murder and 47 by acts of war Journalists killed by US Forces - 14 Iraqi Police and Soldiers Killed - 9,830 Iraqi (civilian) death toll over 100,000," Casualties are reported at 50,000 to over 100,000, but may be much higher. Some informed estimates place Iraqi civilian casualities at over 600,000. Iraqi Insurgents Killed, Roughly Estimated - 55,000 Non-Iraqi Contractors and Civilian Workers Killed Non-Iraqi Kidnapped - 306, including 57 killed, 147 released, 4 escaped, 6 rescued and 89 status unknown.
Spent & Approved War-Spending - About $900 billion of US taxpayers' funds spent or approved for spending through November Lost & Unaccounted for in Iraq - $9 billion of US taxpayers' money and $549.7 milion in spare parts shipped in 2004 to US contractors Missing - $1 billion in tractor trailers, tank recovery vehicles, machine guns, rocket-propelled grenades and other equipment and services provided to the Iraqi security forces. Mismanaged & Wasted in Iraq - $10 billion, per Feb 2007 Congressional hearings Halliburton Overcharges Classified by the Pentagon as Unreasonable and Unsupported - $1.4 billion Amount paid to KBR, a former Halliburton division, to supply U.S. military in Iraq with food, fuel, housing and other items - $20 billion Portion of the $20 billion paid to KBR that Pentagon auditors deem "questionable or supportable" - $3.2 billion U.S Monthly Spending in Iraq - $7.3 billion as of Oct 2009 U.S Monthly Spending in Iraq - $12 billion U.S. Spending per Second - $5,000 in 2008 (per Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on May 5, 2008) Cost of deploying one U.S. soldier for one year in Iraq - $390,000
The Iraq War means oil costs three times more than it should. The invasion of Iraq by Britain and the US has trebled the price of oil, according to a leading expert, costing the world a staggering $6 trillion in higher energy prices alone. The oil economist Dr Mamdouh Salameh, who advises both the World Bank and the UN Industrial Development Organisation (Unido), told The Independent on Sunday that the price of oil would now be no more than $40 a barrel, less than a third of the record $135 a barrel reached last week, if it had not been for the Iraq war. They have now multiplied sixfold since 2002, compared with the fourfold increase of the 1973 and 1974 "oil shock" that ended the world's long postwar boom. Goldman Sachs predicted last week that the price could rise to an unprecedented $200 a barrel over the next year, and the world is coming to. Before the war, Saddam Hussein's regime pumped some 3.5 million barrels of oil a day, but this had now fallen to just two million barrels.