© Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL A healthy, active lifestyle and your skeletal system Functions of the skeleton 1 Functions of the skeleton
© Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL A healthy, active lifestyle and your skeletal system What you will learn about in this topic: 1. What the skeleton is for 2. The functions of the skeleton Functions of the skeleton 2
© Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL A healthy, active lifestyle and your skeletal system Functions of the skeleton 3 Learning objectives By the end of this presentation you should be able to: Understand what the skeleton is for Describe the different functions of the skeleton Explain how the bones function together as a skeleton
© Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL A healthy, active lifestyle and your skeletal system The human skeleton Functions of the skeleton 4 An adult human skeleton is made up of 206 bones.
© Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL A healthy, active lifestyle and your skeletal system Functions of the skeleton FUNCTIONS Blood cell production Movement Support Protection Shape Functions of the skeleton 5
© Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL A healthy, active lifestyle and your skeletal system The cranium (skull) protects the soft tissue of the brain The ribcage protects the delicate heart and lungs Protection The hard nature of bone means that the skeleton can protect the more delicate parts of the body. Functions of the skeleton 6
© Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL A healthy, active lifestyle and your skeletal system Support Without the skeleton, the body would be flabby and shapeless. The bones of the legs support the body The vertebrae support the head Functions of the skeleton 7
© Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL A healthy, active lifestyle and your skeletal system Movement The skeleton is joined to allow us to move when the muscles attached to them contract. The vertebrae allow us to bend, stretch and rotate our body The bones and joints work with muscles to enable us to walk, run and sprint. Functions of the skeleton 8
© Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL A healthy, active lifestyle and your skeletal system Blood cell production Red and white blood cells are made in red bone marrow found at the ends of the femur and humerus, in the ribs, sternum, pelvis and vertebrae. Functions of the skeleton 9
© Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL A healthy, active lifestyle and your skeletal system Femur: located in the upper part of the leg Humerus: located in the upper part of the arm Functions of the skeleton 10
© Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL A healthy, active lifestyle and your skeletal system Task 1.Working in pairs, write a song, poem or rap to help you remember the functions of the skeleton. 2.Perform your masterpiece to the rest of the class! Functions of the skeleton 11
© Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL A healthy, active lifestyle and your skeletal system Exam questions 1. Which of the following is not a function of the skeleton? A.Protects vital organs of the body B.Stores minerals, essential to the good function of the body C.Is able to be classified into groups D.Provides the framework on which muscles attach to help movement Functions of the skeleton 12
© Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL A healthy, active lifestyle and your skeletal system 2. State the main functions of the skeleton. 3. Choose two of the main functions and explain why they are important to sports performance. Functions of the skeleton 13
© Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL A healthy, active lifestyle and your skeletal system Functions of the skeleton 14 What you have learnt in this topic: 1. What the skeleton is for 2. The functions of the skeleton
© Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL A healthy, active lifestyle and your skeletal system Functions of the skeleton 15 Learning objectives You should now be able to: Understand what the skeleton is for Describe the different functions of the skeleton Explain how the bones function together as a skeleton