Human Skeleton Introduction
Human Skeleton The human skeleton consists of 206 bones It has two divisions: 1. The axial portion 2. The appendicular portion
The Axial Skeleton This portion of the skeleton consists of the skull, vertebral column (backbone), ribs, and sternum (breast bone) On your blank sheet of paper cut out the parts of the axial skeleton and put them together the way you feel they would fit. Now label the axial skeleton: Skull, Sternum, Vertebrae, Sacrum, Mandible, Coccyx
The Appendicular Skeleton The appendicular skeleton consists of bones attached to the axial skeleton. The bones of the appendicular skeleton are: hands, feet, bones of the arms, legs, hips, and shoulders.
The Axial Skeleton Skull Mandible Sternum Ribs 12 pair Xiphoid process Vertebrae Sacrum Coccyx Floating Ribs
The Appendicular Skeleton The Appendicular skeleton attached to the axial skeletonAppendicular How many bones can you remember?bones