3rd Grade Science Lab The skeleton
The Skeleton Dance Dem Bones, Dem Bones, Dem Dancing Bones
Mandible Your Bones Phalanges
Number Your Bones Your Hands Your Skull Smallest Bone 8 in the Wrist Your Skull 29 Bones 8 in the Cranium 14 in the Face Smallest Bone stapes (ear) Largest Bone femur (leg) Bones in Your Body 300 as a Baby 206 as an Adult Bone Grows Until… Girls (16-18 years old) Boys (18-21 years old)
What Your Bones Can Say… “I’m Female” “I’m Male”
Your Spinal Column Disc Vertebrae Vertebrae, Discs, & Spinal Cord The “back bone” is actually is 31 segments. The spinal cord is the communication pathway between your brain and your nervous system. 45 cm in men 43 cm in women Disc Vertebrae
Build a Spinal Column 1 Pipe Cleaner 4 Marshmallows 5 Gummy Life Savers 1 Zip Lock Bag Thread the marshmallows and life savers onto the pipe cleaner to symbolize your spinal column.
Q-Tip Skeleton Materials Procedure Black Construction Paper Scissors Paper Skull Q-Tips (3 whole, 18 halves) White Glue Handout w/ Bones Names Procedure Glue to skull near the top of the construction paper Use the whole Q-Tips for the vertebrae and the 2 femurs Use the halves to make the shoulders, arms, ribs, hips, and lower legs Cut out and glue on the bone names
Skeleton Building Race Study the skeleton handout and the skeleton on the board. Practice putting the skeleton together . RACE – which group can get their skeleton together the quickest with no mistakes??