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Motorized Tilt RGB Camera 3D Depth Sensors Microphone Array
Kinect for Windows
That’s not USB You’ll need this Xbox Kinect
What you Need SDK
Demo 0 Hello Tilt
BGR32 Format width in pixels height in pixels Stride = Bytes Per Row = bytes per pixel * width = 4 * width 4 Bytes Per pixel Byte Array:
Demo 1 Hello Colorful World
Depth data 500mm 2000mm 2030mm 2010mm 2000mm 500mm 2500mm
Depth data Max resolution for raw depth data is 640 x bytes per pixel of depth data (short) pixel depthInMM = pixel >> DepthImageFrame.PlayerIndexBitmaskWidth 000
Demo 2 Depth
Depth + Player Data 500mm 2000mm 2030mm 2010mm 2000mm 500mm 2500mm player 1 SkeletonStream.Enable(); var player = pixel & DepthImageFrame.PlayerIndexBitmask;
Demo 3 Depth + Player Data
Skeletal Tracking
skeletonFrame.Skeletons where skeleton.TrackingState == SkeletonTrackingState.Tracked skeletonFrame.Skeletons from skeleton in skeletonFrame.Skeletons where skeleton.TrackingState == SkeletonTrackingState.PositionOnly
hand_left wrist_left elbow_left shoulder_left hand_right wrist_right elbow_right shoulder_right hip_left head hip_right knee_left knee_right ankle_right ankle_left foot_leftfoot_right hip center spine shoulder_center Skeleton.Joints[JointType] Joint.Position (X,Y,Z) Skeletons are mirrored X, Y, Z in meters Origin(0,0,0) = center of camera. +Z is out +X is to the right +Y is up
Demo 3 Skeletal Tracking
Composites + ColorColor +
ColorColor ColorColor MapDepthFrameToColorFrame MapDepthToColorImagePoint MapDepthToSkeletonPoint MapSkeletonPointToColor MapSkeletonPointToDepth
Demo 4 Green Screen
Kinect Audio
Echo Cancellation
EchoCancellationMode: None, CancellationOnly, CancellationAndSuppression int EchoCancellationSpeakerIndex: Index of speaker to cancel
Noise Suppression
Noise Supression bool NoiseSuppression – true, false
Automatic Gain Control
bool AutomaticGainControl – true, false
Beam Forming
radians -50 degrees radians 50 degrees.0175 radians 10 degrees
Demo 5 Speech Recognition
Gotchas Use Microsoft.Speech not System.Speech Must run in an MTA AEC SystemModes crash if no speaker output. Must plug Kinect into Wall DevicePairGuid / Qualitymetrics = crash Should run in ThreadMode Priority Highest?
Demo 6 Beam Forming
Kinect SDK 1.5! Seated Skeletal Tracking Face Tracking Joint Rotation Kinect Studio
Creative Commons Acknowledgments Flickr by Ian Lewis Flickr by major nelson Flickr by markodesign Flickr by stephantom Flickr by Abstract Machine Flickr By Flickr By Andresmh Flickr by Antony Bennison Flickr by Ars Electronica Flickr By bm.iphone Flickr by campuspartymexico Flickr by Chris Jagers Flickr By ci_polla Paola Sucato Flickr by creepyhalloweenimages Flickr by cvander Flickr by Flickr by Institut Douglas Flickr by Joshua and AmberFlickr by Logon Sakai Flickr by openexhibits Flickr by Paul_Clarke Flickr by petyr.rahl Flickr by pt Flickr by Stilldavid Flickr by y3rdua Flickr by yesyesnono Flickr by yum9me Flickr by Jeff Howard Flickr by jhscreenwm Flickr by Kyle McDonald Flickr by Morten Rand-Hendriksen Flickr by Stuart Herbert Flickr by Visiophone Flickr by orkomedix Michael Zöllner and Stephan Huber at the University of Konstanz Openclip by J_Alves Openclip by jetxee Openclip by molumen Openclip by shokunin Openclip by Jhnri Openclip by Machovka Adafruit image of Hector Martin Thanks!!