Kenneth Kagame EACO President
Topic Residency training; a case for EACO
What is EACO ? EACO is a virtual college which started in 2005 as an association of 5 residency training programmes in East Africa, namely; Uganda -Makerere -Mbarara Tanzania -Muhimbili, Dar -KCMC, Moshi Kenya -Nairobi Currently draws its membership from eight countries including: Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Malawi, Ethiopia and Zambia
Its Mission ‘to increase the numbers of ophthalmologists and improve the quality of eye care in EA’ through;
Main objectives -Training… residents, CPDs, subspecialisation -Research, for evidence based policy and practice -Infrastructure devt; physical and equipment -Set standards for professional ophthalmic practice -Contribute to health policy development
Why was it formed ? Professors. Klauss, Abiose, Ogada did an evaluation of Ophthalmology Residency programs in East Africa and found that; 1. Training of Ophthalmologists unsatisfactory in quantity and quality 2. Skeleton or less than skeleton faculty, lecturers 3. lecturers needed further training, subspecialisation 4. Poorly equipped, (teaching aids, clinic and theatre ) 5. Inadequate library, print and electronic WHO/PBL/98.71
Recommendations The report recommended: A harmonised curriculum for Eastern Africa Improve academic capacity of teaching staff, Subspecialisation Emphasis on quantity and quality of research Enhanced partnerships of NGOs & others with National govts to support training; Develop links with other training institutions in more resourced regions around the globe EACO is part of the response
What we have achieved Organizational development – EACO has institutionalized effectively Subspecialisation and skills enhancement for several faculty members Scholarships for residents We are supporting several big and quality eye health research projects in EA Established links with universities and College in the North, especially UK- RCOphth, Bristol, Birmingham, Royal Free, St Thomas. And Munichen
Quality of training Residents We have a curriculum of EACO which all residency programs have used as a template for their local curriculum Harmonised examination format Exchange of lecturers, and examiners Material support for residents (e.g. books, equip) Exchange of residents, rotations to sister Univ A Fellowship examination; -once a year, still voluntary
Increasing number of Residents Full Residency sponsorship x 3 Partial support to Residents x 30 Residents graduating annually from the 5 Universities increased from less than 10 to 30 by 2012 We believe we have contributed significantly by -advocacy – raised profile of ophthalmology -enhanced attractive programs -scholarships
Training trainers, lecturers Link program with RCOphth, UK: -Curriculum development -Trained examiners for the local Fellowship -CPD standardisation and accreditation -Attended each others Fellowship exams as observer Link program to UK University Hospitals; -short term visits Link to India….Aravind and LV Prasad -for skills enhancement for the faculty We are exploring possibilities of transforming this trilateral arrangement into a full fellowship course
Infrastructure Development Procured equipment for each of the 5 Depts Reference books for individuals and libraries Construction -just completed a Dept block for Mbarara -plans ready for Makerere, Nairobi and Muhimbili
Research Trained researchers (Residents and Academic staff) at several workshops in collaboration with AVRI Currently sponsoring 6 ongoing research projects, Including one on ‘Why are young doctors not choosing Ophthalmology for PG studies’ We are looking for international seasoned researchers for collaboration To mentor our young researchers To bring in resources
Our medium to long term wish/objective is For our citizens to have access to QUALITY EYE CARE All our ophthalmology residents to qualify with our FELLOWSHIP Fellowship to obtain international accreditation FEACO to be the exit exam to practice in our Region Each of our Depts to establish itself as a Centre of Excellence in its chosen subspecialty field, eg Retina, etc for service and training Enhanced collaboration between Govts, and other developmental partners in resource mobilisatiion for training Functional South to South, and South to North Links More sharing resources between our Universities
Acknowledgement to those who have seen us thru infancy -Sight Savers -Light For the World -OEU -CBM -MEACO/PBU, -European Union -FHF, -RCOphth, UK -AVRI, -LVPEI - Aravind, -and others.
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