Lesson 3.06 Covalent Bonding and Lewis Structures


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Presentation transcript:

Lesson 3.06 Covalent Bonding and Lewis Structures ChemLive Lesson 3.06 Covalent Bonding and Lewis Structures

Lesson 3.06 Covalent Bonding and Lewis Structures What do you already know? What are you here to learn? Have your paper, pencil, calculator, and Periodic Table ready. . .

Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: Determine how atoms will covalently bond together based on location on the periodic table. Draw Lewis structures to model covalently bonded molecules.

Valence Electrons How many valence electrons?

Covalent Bonding Nonmetals share electrons to complete an octet (or duet): Oxygen needs 2 for an octet Hydrogen need 1 for a duet

Covalent Bonding How many bonds are formed?

Multiple Bonds If more electrons are needed, multiple pairs can be shared. Oxygen shares two pairs for a double bond

Multiple Bonds Multiple bonds are stronger and shorter:

Review Ionic bonds exist as formula units – electrons are transferred (Na+ or O2-) between a metal and a nonmetal Covalent bonds form molecules – electrons are shared (NO2) between nonmetals Polyatomic ions are groups of covalently bonded atoms with an ionic charge (CO32-)

Lewis Structures Steps 1. Least electronegative element in the center 2. Calculate total valence electrons 3. Write skeleton structure 4. Complete valence electrons 5. Compare totals 6. Distribute electrons

Lewis Structures CO2 1. C 2. 4 + 2(6) = 16 3. 4. erase 4 around C 2. 4 + 2(6) = 16 3. 4. erase 4 around C 5. 20 – 4 = 16 move electrons to 6. form double bonds

Lewis Structures HCN 1. C 2. 1 + 4 + 5 = 10 3. 4. erase 4 around C 2. 1 + 4 + 5 = 10 3. 4. erase 4 around C 5. 14 – 4 = 10 move electrons to 6. form a triple bond

Lewis Structures NH4+ 1. N 2. 5 + 4(1) -1 = 8 3. 4. done 5. 8

Lewis Structures H2O 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Lewis Structures NH3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Lewis Structures CH4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


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