Essential Questions: What kinds of shelter have been designed for group living and for individual homes? What architecture has been developed for the commercial world?
Domestic Architecture: Group Living
Pueblo Bonito (Pretty Village): Anasazi, New Mexico (11 th Century)
Dogon Cliff Dwellings with Granaries (Mali, Africa) date from 1200 CE to present day
Moshe Safdie: Habitat ’67 (Montreal, Canada)
Domestic Architecture: Individual Homes
House of the Vettii: Pompeii, Italy (62 – 69 CE)
Andrea Palladio: Villa Rotunda (Italy, 1552)
Central watchtower, architectural model, (Eastern Han Dynasty, 1st–early 3rd century, China)
Toba Batak House, Indonesia
North American Sioux: Tipi cover (late 1800s)
Frank Lloyd Wright: Fallingwater (Pennsylvania, USA)
Commercial Architecture:
Markets of Trajan, Rome (100 – 112 CE)
Louis H. Sullivan: Carson Pirie Scott and Company (Chicago, USA) 1904
R. Buckminster Fuller: US Pavilion (Montreal, Canada, Expo 67)
I. M. Pei and Partners: Bank of China (Hong Kong) 1989
Charles Moore with U.I.G. and Perez Associates: Piazza d’Italia (New Orleans, USA)
Zaha Hadid: Opus (design only) Dubai, United Arab Emerates