Building a private tenants’ movement in Wales Jennie Bibbings Policy & Research Manager Shelter Cymru
PRS policy and tenants – what’s the problem? Who are they? How happy are they with their housing? Prevalence of problems? Hit and miss policy / legislation Lack of evidence PRS tenants not at the table We know landlords’ views on tenancy reform and licensing – but not tenants Lack of consultation
The usual suspects Shelter Cymru - Citizens Advice Cymru - Welsh Tenants - TPAS Cymru - NUS Cymru
Evidence about PRS tenants WG consultations do not identify and analyse PRS tenant responses July 2012 consultation on landlord licensing: landlord / lettings agent responses outnumbered ‘individuals’ by more than 4 to 1 Welsh Government consultations WG White Papers: over-reliance on UK and England only data Existing data
Research with tenants and tenants’ groups Difficult for PRS tenants to participate But tenants wanted to take part in a group Strong views on landlord licensing and tenancy reform Large appetite for data on PRS tenants Advice on how to overcome barriers and grow local groups Focus groups and interviews with PRS tenants in Wales and tenants’ groups organisers in the UK revealed that:
A solution for Wales Need to make the most of what is already there Social tenant participation sector has 30+ years of experience PRS tenant needs can differ - careful planning Autonomous local groups with national umbrella body, tenant-led, independent from Government Statutory rights to be informed and consulted
Funding Landlord registration fee currently proposed at £50 per five years Funding of 10p per tenant per week - based on 2001 report on social tenant participation Could raise nearly £1 million £?
Next steps? If you or your organisation would like to get involved in the important task of establishing a strong PRS tenants’ voice for Wales, please get in touch with: Jennie Bibbings, Policy & Research Manager (02920)