associated with the university of cambridge IABSECUES 5 minutes are our skills relevant to emergency response? overview - what is transitional settlement? 5 minutes hot climate case studies - refugee camps 5 minutes cold climate case studies - the Balkans 10 minutes aims and projects the / Oxfam shelter reports – building transit facilities questions end of session 3 International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering, British Group / Cambridge University Engineering Society ‘Maintaining the Structures Gene Pool’ 13/ , Queens’ College transitional settlement & shelter in emergencies
associated with the university of cambridge IABSECUES rural self-settlement urban self-settlement host families self- settled camps collective centres (mass shelter) planned camps transitional settlement grouped dispersed overview transitional settlement … and transit refugee camps are not the only options open to refugees and Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) ….
shelterproject guidelines transitional settlement guidelines: decision- making flow diagrams associated with the university of cambridge IABSECUES
shelterproject the IOM shelter two IOM shelters being used in Herat in Afghanistan as a mosque, associated with the university of cambridge IABSECUES
relevance associated with the university of cambridge IABSECUES emergencies and development work is as much about understanding the nature and consequences of questions as solving technical problems the task and our skills how do settlements & shelters mediate between inhabitants and the wider environment? what does settlement & shelter mean to a family? do engineers & architects have the professional skills required to respond to emergencies? should not local engineers & architects respond? how can British professionals contribute? how can British companies contribute? maintaining the structures gene pool