CCCM / Shelter / NFI Cluster 2012 Response Plan
Numbers Category of people in need Numbers of persons in need FemaleMaleTotal IDPs in camps 7,4467,47814,923 IDPs in Collective Centres ,720 IDPs Outside of Camps 193,420189,980383,400 Affected Hosting Communities 104,27395,727200,000 Planned Returned Population 70,50566,794137,300 Totals375,396361,960737,356
Top-priority Activities Voluntary return of vulnerable IDPs supported Peaceful coexistence between IDPs / returnees and the affected population strengthened Vulnerable / conflict affected families are able to meet their living minimum shelter requirements Vulnerable / conflict affected families have sufficient household items to meet their daily needs
Top-priority Activities (con’t) Needs assessment on protection risks / needs are conducted Women’s participation in community structures increased Women and girls have limited exposure to SGBV risks with reduced impact on the environment CCCM staff and partners respond efficiently in meeting the needs of the affected population Coordination within the Cluster and with other actors improved