Nahr El-Bared Statistical Report Lebanon Support in partnership with Handicap International, UNDP, UNRWA and with the financial support of ECHO
Introduction The report gives a comprehensive overview of the general conditions of Nahr El-Bared’s IDPs and Returnees The report summaries the conditions of key sectors that have been impacted by the 2007 crisis The report aims at providing actors with key trends and indicators to be able to best understand the current situation of the camp population, to plan and to assess interventions.
Background Lebanon Support started its operation in NBC and Beddawi camp on May 25 th, 2007 LS’s operations were mainly focused on facilitating coordination between actors through effective information sharing and coordination LS launched its Emergency and Recovery Information System (ERIS) in the summer of 2008 ERIS website was launched in early 2009
Background (cont.) ERIS Components: IDP & Returnee Monitor Tracks the mobility of IDPs and Returnees Needs Assessment System Conducts and collect needs assessment that best fit with the needs of the humanitarian and recovery community Aid Monitoring System Collects and conducts assessments that are aimed at addressing and studying the impact of humanitarian and recovery actions
Background (cont.) The Nahr El-Bared Statistical Report is a grouping of key trends and figures out from Lebanon Support’s IDP and Returnee Database The Database is the major activity conducted by Lebanon Support under the ERIS’s Needs Assessment System The Database mapped the conditions and location of 5467 families which are relative to 27,000 people (100% of the NBC Residents)
Methodology and Sample Characteristics Data for the IDP & Returnee Database was collected through three main surveys: Shelter Survey: collecting information about shelter conditions and the condition of infrastructure services Socio-Economic Survey: collected information about the general social and economic conditions of the household as well as of the individual members of the household Building Survey: conducted only in Nahr El-Bared and aimed at counting and registering shelter units in Nahr El-Bared camp, and identifying free shelter units and occupied units as well as their occupation and safety status
Methodology and Sample Characteristics (cont.) Data was collected through a period of 12 months, an initial overall mapping took place which gave us a good idea about the location of the families all over Lebanon Lebanon Support identified 5 Major areas: North Lebanon; Beirut; Tyre; Saida; Bekaa North Lebanon being the host of the Majority of IDPs and Returnees was sectioned into 3 Main Areas: Beddawi Camp, Jabal El-Beddawi and Tripoli Suburbs, and NBC Camp.
Methodology and Sample Characteristics (cont.) Surveys were designed to respect the status of the surveyed population e.g. questions regarding services in NBC were different than in Beddawi camp or in outside the camps, since the state of services is different Surveys tackled the situation of the household as a whole and the conditions of individuals within the household. A continuous process of data validation and audit were conducted to ensure the credibility of information collected
Methodology and Sample Characteristics (cont.) For analysis purposes a sample grid of data was selected out of the whole database, focusing on: Key sectors of interest to the humanitarian and recovery community (Shelter, Health, Education, Demographics, Displacement and Return, Work and Employment, state of businesses in NBC) Representation of the sample of the current distribution of the NBC population based on status and geographical distribution The sampling of the cases in each geographic location was based on a random sampling
Methodology and Sample Characteristics (cont.) Sample Characteristics:
Report Structure Overview of the situation of Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon Overview of the Nahr El-Bared Crisis Trends of Displacement and Return for the NBC population (from 2007 till 2009) Demographic Composition of the Nahr El-Bared population Shelter Characteristics of NBC IDPs and Returnees Conditions of Services for the NBC IDPs and Returnees Health Conditions for the NBC IDPs and Returnees State of Education for NBC IDPs and Returnees Work and Employment Conditions of Businesses in NBC Adjacent Area
Key Trends and Findings (Presentation Plan) 1.Trends of Displacement and Return for the NBC population (from 2007 till 2009) 2.Demographic Composition 3.Shelter Characteristics 4.Conditions of Services 5.Health Conditions 6.State of Education 7.Work and Employment 8.Conditions of Businesses in NBC Adjacent Area
Key Trends and Findings: Displacement and Return At the beginning of the crisis, most of the Nahr El- Bared families moved into Beddawi Camp Shelter interventions were the main action that stabilized the mobility of the IDP population and reduced over-crowdedness UNRWA rent subsidy program had a considerable impact at reducing crowdedness and in enhancing shelter conditions for a large section of the IDP population 1
Key Trends and Findings: Displacement and Return The opening of the Adjacent Area, was a trigger for many families who were displaced outside the north, to go back to North Lebanon (through the rent subsidy program) as it became a buffer zone for families to wait for their turn to return. The delays encountered in the reconstruction process have created a category within the population lingering between displacement and return, which we called in the report as “Semi- Returnees” 1
Key Trends and Findings: Displacement and Return 1
Shelter interventions are essential in stabilizing emergency situations and limits the “extension” of displacement, this is more specifically true in Urban settings Rent subsidy programs can ensure more freedom in the selection of shelter and lowers distress among the displaced population Currently (October 2009): 3052 (55.58%) families, and is continually increasing as more temporary shelters are being provided and as services are more and more being centralized in NBC. Beddawi camp at that same date hosted 1009 (18.45%) families, while Jabal el Beddawi hosts 964 (17.63%) families, and Tripoli hosts 184 (3.36%) families, and the rest of Lebanon host 258 (4.71%) families. 1
Key Trends and Findings: Demographic Composition The sex ratio of the Nahr El Bared Population is approximately 1 to 1 for Displaced and Returnees The Palestinian community of Nahr El-Bared has a high birth rate and low elderly mortality the average family size of NBC families is 4.93 members per family, The most frequent family size being families composed of 2 members. Yet those may be considered as “newly wed couples”, which suggests that these new families will soon bare children, thus it would be important to mention, that if these new families are excluded from the statistics we notice that the highest frequency is for families with 4 and 5 family members. 2
Key Trends and Findings: Demographic Composition 2
Key Trends and Findings: Demographic Composition Early Marriage A random sample (25.9% of Total Number of Families) was selected out of all regions: 2.02% of married individuals are under 18 years old; yet it is important to differentiate between Male and Female early marriage, early marriage for girls constitute 95.8% of early marriages, while for boys it is 4.16%. 2
Key Trends and Findings: Shelter Characteristics The Majority of the population is living under or equal to the 10m2/person average (45.95% in NBC Adjacent Area, 49.67% in Jabal El-Beddawi and 58.09% at Beddawi Camp) People who live in Jabal El-Beddawi and NBC show the highest vulnerability in terms of shelter index, with 26.32% in NBC Adjacent Area and 21.73% in Jabal El Beddawi living under the 5m2/person average 3
Key Trends and Findings: Shelter Characteristics (Crowdedness Index) 3
Key Trends and Findings: Shelter Characteristics (Rooms/Person Index) 3
Key Trends and Findings: Shelter Characteristics (Shelter Types) 3
Key Trends and Findings: State of Services (Electricity) 4
Key Trends and Findings: State of Services (Electricity Cost (EDL)) 56% of respondents in NBC Adjacent Area, at the time of the survey, stated having an electric meter 4
Key Trends and Findings: State of Services (Water) For IDP families in Beddawi camp water provision is at 6hours per day for 73.62% of the population; The Majority of families in Beddawi Camp stated that they consume 1000Liters/day of service water; 49% of families buy drinking water 47.39% of families in Jabal El-Beddawi receive 2 to 6 hour service water coverage; The Majority of these families consume between 201 and 500 Liters/day of service water; and 42% of these families buy their drinking water Service water coverage for 60% of the population in NBC Adjacent Area is at 24hours/day; 36.91% of families consume between 400 and 750 Liters/day of service water and 30.43% consume more than 800 Liters/Day; 4
Key Trends and Findings: Health Characteristics 52.72% of PwDs in Beddawi camp and 57.72% in Jabal El-Beddawi and 53.29% in NBC Adjacent Area have a Mobility-related disability The most frequent chronic disease within the NBC population is Blood Pressure and Cardio-Vascular Diseases, and between 13 to 16% of the population stated having at least one chronic disease. 5
Key Trends and Findings: Education 6
Key Trends and Findings: Work and Employment As a result of the war the working population within the NBC IDPs in Beddawi Camp have decreased by 30.02% while the Non-Working population have increased by 20.76% The same trend is found within the IDP population in Jabal El-Beddawi, where 18.87% were working before the war, and dropped to 13.74% after the war while people who are “not working”, increased from 27.10% to 31.55% after the war. The picture in NBC adjacent area is less grim as the working population decreased by 9.9% while the non-working population has increased by 7.91% (due to concentration of livelihood projects)
Key Trends and Findings: Work and Employment (Impact of War on Type of Employment) 6
Key Trends and Findings: Work and Employment (Income) 6
Key Trends and Findings: Work and Employment (Gender and Employment – Pre-War) 6
Key Trends and Findings: Work and Employment (Gender and Employment – War Impact) 6
Key Trends and Findings: Work and Employment (Gender and Employment – War and Income) The impact of the war on women in terms of income has been negative in the low- income category and in the high-income category, -5.18% (below 350,000 LBP) and % (Above 500,000 LBP) respectively; while in the medium-income level there has been a considerable increase of women (62.82%). As for men the impact of the war was negative in the low and medium income categories, while it is positive for the high-income category. 6
Key Trends and Findings: Work and Employment (War Impact on Income categories per Education Level) 6
Key Trends and Findings: State of Businesses in NBC 6
Key Trends and Findings: State of Businesses in NBC (Levels of Employment) 6
Key Trends and Findings: State of Businesses in NBC (Monthly Fees for workers in Businesses) 6
Key Trends and Findings: State of Businesses in NBC (General Observations) The difficulty that the biggest majority (97.64%) encounters is Army/Security barriers; while the major obstacle/problem or cause that's stopping their business from growing is the provision supplies. 18.3% of the surveyed businesses stated they received grants while only 2.2% stated to have received a loan Most workers in businesses are males, and only 15% of businesses employ one or more female workers, while 86% employ one or more male workers The majority of Business operators/owners (44.51%) has reached the intermediary (complementary) level of education and only 0.35% have a master’s degree % have attained secondary education, and only 7.32 have attained university education 6
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