KENTUCKY PROGRAMS FOR THE ELDERLY October 22, 2014 Frankfort, KY Presented by: BRIAN BOISSEAU: Constituent Services Branch Manager LANNY TAULBEE: Physical Disabilities Resource Coordinator Department for Aging and Independent Living Ensuring Services During Emergencies and Disasters KOIN / KY Functional Needs Collaborative Annual Workshop
KENTUCKY PROGRAMS FOR THE ELDERLY Ensuring Services During Emergencies And Disasters Cabinet for Health and Family Services Older Americans Act (OAA) In 1965 Congress passed the Older Americans Act (OAA). The original legislation established authority for grants to states for community planning and social services. The OAA also established the Administration on Aging (AoA), the federal focal point and advocate agency for older persons and their concerns.
KENTUCKY PROGRAMS FOR THE ELDERLY Ensuring Services During Emergencies And Disasters Cabinet for Health and Family Services The Administration for Community Living (ACL) In 2012, the Administration for Community Living was established: Which brought together the Administration on Aging, the Office on Disability and the Administration on Developmental Disabilities to reduce the fragmentation that existed in Federal programs Addressed the community living service and support needs of both the aging and disability populations Enhanced access to quality health care and long-term services and supports for all individuals
KENTUCKY PROGRAMS FOR THE ELDERLY Ensuring Services During Emergencies And Disasters Cabinet for Health and Family Services Department for Aging and Independent Living The Kentucky Department for Aging and Independent Living (DAIL) oversees the administration of these statewide programs and services on behalf of Kentucky’s elders and individuals with disabilities.
KENTUCKY PROGRAMS FOR THE ELDERLY Ensuring Services During Emergencies And Disasters Cabinet for Health and Family Services Area Agencies on Aging The Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) were also established under the OAA to respond to the needs of Americans 60 and over in every local community. In 2006, Kentucky’s AAA was expanded to include the disabilities population under their umbrella of services. The AAA are now referred to as AAAIL, with “IL” meaning Independent Living.
KENTUCKY PROGRAMS FOR THE ELDERLY Ensuring Services During Emergencies And Disasters Cabinet for Health and Family Services DAIL, AAAIL and the ADRC Through Kentucky’s 15 AAAIL and their Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC), access to supports and services have been simplified. DAIL provides leadership and addresses issues and circumstances that stand in the way of elders and individuals with disabilities achieving the best possible quality of life.
KENTUCKY PROGRAMS FOR THE ELDERLY Ensuring Services During Emergencies And Disasters Cabinet for Health and Family Services DAIL, AAAIL and the ADRC The ADRC serve as highly visible and trusted places available in every community across the commonwealth where people of all ages and incomes can get information on the full range of long-term support options.
KENTUCKY PROGRAMS FOR THE ELDERLY Ensuring Services During Emergencies And Disasters Cabinet for Health and Family Services DAIL, AAAIL and Disasters Services Include: Aging Network – 15 Area Agencies on Aging and Independent Living Aging and Disability Resource Center – ADRC Adult Day Care and Alzheimer's Disease Respite Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Council Assisted Living Community Information and Certification
KENTUCKY PROGRAMS FOR THE ELDERLY Ensuring Services During Emergencies And Disasters Cabinet for Health and Family Services DAIL, AAAIL and Disasters Services Include: Caregiver Support Services Chronic Disease Self Management Program Consumer Directed Option (CDO) Elder Abuse Prevention Guardianship Hart-Supported Living Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
KENTUCKY PROGRAMS FOR THE ELDERLY Ensuring Services During Emergencies And Disasters Cabinet for Health and Family Services DAIL, AAAIL and Disasters Services Include: Homecare Institute for Aging Nutrition Program for the Elderly Personal Care Attendant Program Senior Citizens Centers Senior Community Service Employment Program
KENTUCKY PROGRAMS FOR THE ELDERLY Ensuring Services During Emergencies And Disasters Cabinet for Health and Family Services DAIL, AAAIL and Disasters Services Include: State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) Traumatic Brain Injury Trust Fund The Traumatic Brain Injury Behavioral Program
KENTUCKY PROGRAMS FOR THE ELDERLY Ensuring Services During Emergencies And Disasters Cabinet for Health and Family Services DAIL, AAAIL and Disasters As part of the requirements of the Administration for Community Living (ACL), all AAAIL must develop a disaster response plan to provide assistance to their constituents during an emergency. Their staff routinely assess clients for unmet needs and identify possible services and resources that meet those needs. This expertise can now be applied to emergency shelters to identify access and functional needs populations in an emergency shelter environment.
KENTUCKY PROGRAMS FOR THE ELDERLY Ensuring Services During Emergencies And Disasters Cabinet for Health and Family Services DAIL, AAAIL and Disasters The AAAIL are firmly embedded in disaster planning on the local level. Local emergency management agencies utilize their resources to develop community emergency response. This expertise can now be applied to emergency shelters to identify access and functional needs populations in an emergency shelter environment.
KENTUCKY PROGRAMS FOR THE ELDERLY Ensuring Services During Emergencies And Disasters Cabinet for Health and Family Services DAIL, AAAIL and Disasters DAIL has partnered with the Department for Public Health’s Emergency Preparedness Branch and the AAAIL to utilize this network of case managers, support brokers and others with expertise in personal assessments to assist with the assessment of shelter evacuees for access and functional needs. This specialized group of assessment experts are called the Functional Assessment Service Teams, or FAST.
KENTUCKY PROGRAMS FOR THE ELDERLY Ensuring Services During Emergencies And Disasters Cabinet for Health and Family Services DAIL, AAAIL and Disasters This partnership: Allows us to utilize a pre-existing network of experts for assessing shelter residents’ needs Compliments the expertise of medical staff Allows shelter residents with functional and access needs to remain in a shelter with family and friends.
KENTUCKY PROGRAMS FOR THE ELDERLY Ensuring Services During Emergencies And Disasters Cabinet for Health and Family Services DAIL, AAAIL and Disasters FAST Concept: Part of FEMA’s “Whole Community Philosophy” The FAST concept started in 2006, involving several departments and organizations within the state of California. Except for people who are medically fragile, all people should be able to stay in general shelters during emergencies and disasters.
KENTUCKY PROGRAMS FOR THE ELDERLY Ensuring Services During Emergencies And Disasters Cabinet for Health and Family Services DAIL, AAAIL and Disasters FAST Team Members: Arrive at a shelter and report to the shelter manager Assess the shelter and identify any general access issues Identify access and functional needs of shelter populations Meet with shelter leadership to discuss needs and possible solutions Assist with facilitating resources into the shelter
KENTUCKY PROGRAMS FOR THE ELDERLY Ensuring Services During Emergencies And Disasters Cabinet for Health and Family Services Questions ??