Aim To provide staff with an overview of the school emergency plan
Risk assessment exercise Discuss what emergencies you think could affect Put these risks into priority order, taking into account the likelihood of the risk, and the impact it would have
Risks Fire Flooding Loss of utility supply Building collapse Suspicious package Transport accident Public health incident
Benefits of preparing for emergencies Identify possible emergencies and put measures in place to prevent them Assist in responding to an emergency Maintain the provision of education during an incident Assist in recovering from an emergency
Contents of the emergency plan Contact details Roles and responsibilities of staff Information on the school site Communication arrangements Procedures for evacuation, shelter and lockdown
Distribution and security Where are copies of the plan held? Who has copies of the plan? Security considerations
Roles and responsibilities – SEMT School Emergency Management Team (SEMT) roles include: –Co-ordination –Business continuity –Communications –Log-keeping –Media management –Resources –Welfare
Roles and responsibilities – other staff Ensure the safety of pupils wherever possible –Respond calmly –Provide reassurance –First aid Maintain the normal school routine Assist other members of staff
Educational visits
Extended services
Evacuation procedures
Shelter procedures
Lockdown procedures
Communications Methods of communicating with: –Pupils –Parents / carers –Governors –Extended services
Log-keeping In an emergency, events can occur very rapidly and it is vital to keep an accurate record of events All staff involved in the response should maintain an incident log Any emergency affecting a school may afterwards become the subject of a detailed inquiry. Records should be retained after the incident for future reference.
Reviewing Frequency of review Responsibility for review Destroying old copies of the plan
Questions If you have any questions about the plan, or suggestions for improving it, please contact: