Bell Ringer – 11/18/ What is the force of an average H-Bomb? 2. How did TVs affect nuclear hysteria? 3. What is “brinkmanship”?
A fallout shelter is an enclosed space designed to protect occupants from radioactive debris or “fallout” resulting from a nuclear explosion. After an explosion, fallout matter becomes radioactive and hazardous. A shelter helps its occupants to avoid exposure to fallout until radioactivity has decayed to a safer level.fallout nuclear explosion A basic shelter consists of shields that reduce gamma ray. Since the most dangerous fallout has the consistency of sand, a successful fallout shelter need not filter fine dust from air. The fine dust poses less risk because it emits relatively little radiation. Earth is an excellent thermal insulator, and over several weeks of inhabitation, a shelter will be completely warmed by body heat. Without good ventilation, the inhabitants are likely to suffer heat exhaustion. Inhabitants should plan to remain sheltered for at least 2 weeks, then gradually spend time outside the shelter. A battery-powered radio is very helpful to get reports of fallout patterns and clearance. In many countries (including the U.S.) civilian radio stations have emergency generators with enough fuel to operate for extended periods without commercial electricity.
Fallout Shelter Group Project It is 1952 – Chicago residents are frantic over the fear of Nuclear war. Cook County has decided to build free bomb shelters for a small amount of families. Families will be chosen based on best shelter plans and importance to their neighborhood. Group Assignment (3-6 members): Create a family story – share why you are important to your community and to each other. Why do you want a shelter? Explain: location for digging, materials needed (listed in bullet form). One group member must design a basic blue print or “picture” of the shelter. Write 2 paragraphs summarizing your proposal to be presented to the class and turned-in to Ms. Maher.