Photo courtesy of Brenda Griffin, DVM Segregate Animal Populations
Segregating populations is a strategy to: Contain outbreaks of disease Increase safety for animals and people Why Separate Shelter Populations?
Separate animals by: Species Health status Age Physical and behavioral traits How To Separate Shelter Populations
Quarantine Minimally, a shelter should have these housing areas for cats and for dogs Healthy Hold Recommended Housing Areas Isolation Adoption
Who is Housed Here: Stray and surrendered healthy animals until they are able to be moved to adoption floor. If an animal develops signs of illness, immediately move the animal to isolation. Healthy Hold Brenda Griffin, DVM
Adoption Who is Housed Here: Healthy animals available for adoption. If an animal develops signs of illness, immediately move the animal to isolation. Brenda Griffin, DVM
Who is Housed Here: Create multiple quarantine areas for animals considered potentially dangerous : Animals being observed for rabies Animals exposed to infectious disease but not yet clinical during an outbreak situation Quarantine
Who is Housed Here: Animals who are clinically ill (symptomatic) and infected with a communicable disease. In an isolation space, the use of barriers and solid walls can lessen the transmission of disease. Isolation
Additional Housing Areas: Considering Creating These Spaces in Your Shelter
Feral cats can be highly stressed by the amount of activity, light, and noise that are common in animal housing areas. A place to hide, low light, quiet, and limited activity help reduce stress. Feral Cats
Young animals in the shelter are at high risk of illness. Minimize stress and disease transmission by designating separate housing areas for: Juveniles (5 months and younger) Mothers and their babies Juveniles
Foster care is an excellent alternative for: Mothers and their nursing litters Animals too young to be adopted Alternate Housing for Juveniles
Unvaccinated animals should be housed separately from those who have documented vaccination histories and have their cage cards noted. After vaccination, these animals may be moved to the appropriate housing area. Unvaccinated Animals
Set up multiple isolation areas to prevent injured animals from getting sick and to prevent sick animals from being exposed to a second disease. Some agencies may choose to further separate animals: By type of illness (or suspected illness) Animals who are injured but not otherwise ill Multiple Isolation Areas