RIGA, 05/02/2015
Founded in 2007 Since 2007 supporting people who are victims of human trafficking 2008 began to work on supporting asylum seekers, refugees and persons with other statuses At the moment continues to supporting victims of human trafficking with resources from governmental budget for offering different experts ans material support for the provision of basic needs to the target group
To provide individual’s rights to receive appropriate help and protection; To promote rehabilitation and reintegration into society for those, who have suffered from trafficking in human beings; To provide support service for legal immigrants, including asylum seekers, refugees and persons with alternative status; To develop cooperation with state and local government’s institutions, public un Christian organization’s in Latvia and worldwide.
Strategy is developed for period since year 2014 till year 2015 Vision: Latvia – safe place for different people Mission: To reduce trafficking in human beings in Latvia To provide support for asylum seekers and refugees
Cooperation partners: state and local authorities; international organization; Employer; non-governmental organisations. Vertical cooperation: participation in policy document development and discussion Horizontal cooperation: interprofesional and interinstitutional cooperation with other NGO’s
Prejudice Stereotypes
Fictitious marriage — a trap», “Sold freedom”, «Sold freedom II», Sold freeedom III» and Info anti-trafficking bus - warning society about illegal marriages in other countries; Experts involved into all levels of helping victims get additional professional training; Young people inform themselves about dangers connected to participation on human trafficking.