Western MA Regional Network to End Homelessness 1 Update on DHCD Homelessness Initiatives October 23, 2014
Highlights of FY13 and 14 Assisted approx. 2,000 households with MRVP mobile vouchers Awarded 730 project-based MRVPs and 200 Section 8 PBVs to serve extremely low income households in new housing Helped an additional 4,000 families in shelter to obtain permanent housing with HomeBASE Household Assistance Prevented 6,000 families from becoming homeless with RAFT Program Expanded shelter capacity by more than 725 beds Reached goal of 1,000 supportive housing units in FY14, two years early Expanded Secure Jobs Program by $1.5M (total $2.5M) and placed 560 families in jobs Awarded funds for approx. 6,000 units of permanent affordable housing (production and preservation); reached milestone of 20,000 affordable units since
FY15 MRVP Update Overall plan in consultation with working group for FY15: --1,058 new mobile vouchers new project-based vouchers -- Rent level increases for existing project-based vouchers LHAs began issuing 892 “unfrozen” vouchers in September RAAs will begin issuing 166 “unfrozen” vouchers in December (application period runs from October 6-November 3) 75 vouchers for Secure Jobs participants will be issued in November (lottery to be held mid-October) 200 mobile vouchers to under-represented regions will be issued in November (MetroWest and Cape Cod) New project-based commitments will be made this fall and in
FY15 HomeBASE Update Increased benefit to $8,000 for exits and $6,000 for diversions (as of July 1, 2015) HPST is being used for up to $2,000 for exits (HAS) through an additional $3M in economic dev. bill Both exits and diversions have increased substantially compared to last summer Co-location of shelter provider staff in local offices to increase diversions 507 exits using HomeBASE household assistance or 32% of exits (July-September 2015) 4
FY15 RAFT Update Started up on July 1 for first time in many years $1.5M increase in budget ($11M total) Increase in households served: --July-Sept FY14: 557 approved --July-Sept FY15: 972 approved Breakdown of households served (FY15 YTD): --Below 15% of AMI: 27% % of AMI: 46% % of AMI: 27% 5
EA Entries and Exits Q1, FY14 (Jul-Sept)Q1, FY15 (Jul-Sept) EA Entries1,7751,575 Front Door Diversions72165 EA Exits1,1061,588 HomeBase “Only” Exits Motel Change (7/1- 10/14) Avg. Daily Total EA Caseload Change +21.6%+3.6% Avg. Daily Caseload Change in Motels +50.8%-1.6% 6
Emergency Shelter Re-housing Initiative Experienced 44% increase in shelter entries, FY13 to FY14 (4,272 vs. 6,167) Phase-out of Extended Stay hotels Focusing on exits using $8,000 of HomeBASE; renewed contracts with RAAs for rehousing Leading the Way Home (Boston Housing Authority); 724 new Section 8 vouchers for Boston families in EA shelter New Lease Program; 70 families placed/in process of leasing private affordable housing (YTD) Started new case management with shelter providers in targeted hotels Continuing close coordination with DPH, DCF and local volunteers Hired Assistant Director of Hotel/Motel Field Operations Expanded staff capacity in field offices, compliance, placement, and hearings units Continuing congregate expansion in high demand regions 7
Other Emergency Shelter Initiatives 8 Increased Individual Shelter contracts by 4% Invested in increased staffing resources to improve HMIS data quality in both EA and Hotels Increased staffing resources to meet HEARTH ACT federal requirements Assisting HMIS and CoC leads regarding Coordinated Assessment/Intake Transferred Management of Shelter Plus Care Grant to the Division of Housing Stabilization’s Federal Unit for greater oversight and synchronicity with other federally funded projects
Interagency Council on Housing & Homelessness Unaccompanied homeless youth point-in-time count completed (first-in-the-nation); beginning plans for 2015 count Report released on homelessness among older adults Interim goals reached in homeless veterans plan Integration task force on domestic violence implementing new policies DPH grant for housing placement and supports for 180 chronically homeless individuals with substance abuse and mental health disorders Nearing completion of report on ICHH initiatives and accomplishments since
Workforce Development Secure Jobs expanded with use of HPST of $1M; funds awarded in April 2014 Approx. 506 families placed in jobs since Feb New Secure Jobs appropriation in Fy15 budget of $500,000; RFP issued in August and awards announced on October 7 Self-Sufficiency Initiative with Community Action Agencies resulted in 515 families enrolling in job programs since 11/13; 36% increased their incomes 10
Supportive Housing Initiative Reached goal of 1,000 supportive housing units in April, approx 2 years early Completed first year progress report of Supportive Housing Steering Committee (18 state agencies); now developing 2015 action plan Awarded funds for 335 new units in April and 200 new units in July $6 million in FY15 supplemental budget for “mini” supportive housing round this fall – NOFA released 10/21/14 Social Innovations Financing (SIF) expected to launch this fall (500 units) 11
Public Housing Revitalization Won passage of major consensus reform legislation Public housing advisory committee has formed five working groups to implement reforms (training, performance, regional pilots, regional capital teams, resident services) Reached milestone of bringing nearly 500 vacant units back online with special initiative Launched MassLEAP Program (Learning, Employment, Assets Program); awarded funds in May Statewide, online application and waiting list is under active development; expected to launch pilot in early 2015 Expanded Supportive Housing Program in elderly/disabled developments by 10 new sites (with EOEA) Releasing NOFA in October for expansion of Transitional Housing Program (THP) for homeless families 12
Other DHCD Initiatives HEAT/EAT takes effect in October; $1.3M in LIHEAP will assist 163,000 households with additional SNAP benefits 10,000 unit multifamily unit goal: 4,782 through August, triple since 2011 Received significant increases in FY15 capital budget for Housing Stabilization Fund (+$8.1M), Facilities Consolidation Fund (+$4.1M), Housing Innovations Fund (+4.4M) and Home Modifications Loan Program (+2.5M) 13
Other DHCD Initiatives, continued Reached milestone of preserving 14,000 expiring use units since 2009; formed 13A working group in June Section 811 initiative for people with disabilities now underway; first “state match” vouchers issued in Sept. 100 new vouchers for people with mental illness (DMH Rental Assistance Program increase of $1M) 2015 Qualified Allocation Plan to be finalized in November (hearing held on October 16); focus on managing development costs 14