Erica Bornemann Planning Chief Division of Emergency Management and Homeland Security
History Late 2012 American Red Cross presented to VSNAP on current abilities to shelter in response to an incident at Vermont Yankee ARC current capability- 3,000 people (10% EPZ Population) FEMA RERP Program Manual Set the requirement to shelter 20% of the EPZ population
Increase the capacity of the ARC to shelter 20% of the EPZ population (6,000 people) Identify and enter into agreements with 22 facilities to receive survivors Creates a scalable approach to congregate care Builds capacity within Vermont to meet needs until regional and federal resources are brought in
VT legislature granted $250,000 of the RERP Fund for ARC Implementation Begin working with Host and Sending Towns - to develop sheltering plan – provide foundational overview and develop plans for moving forward with project. Begin working with Host town shelter facilities - to develop shelter facility agreements and surveys to support the plan Begin working with partner state agencies – to develop interim approach and foundation for a final solution to challenges presented by development of this sheltering plan. Hire personnel – Hire the Deputy Chief Response Officer – RERP and the Volunteer Coordinator – RERP Begin purchasing of equipment and supplies – Purchase 1000 cots and 2000 blankets in first year of project. Start volunteer recruitment process – to support bringing shelters “on-line” Multi-Year plan- over 2 years
June 5, 2013 Vermont participated in a FEMA graded exercise 6 EPZ towns, SEOC, JIC, 2 SWP, EOF, VY Sim Control Room, 211 Call Center Plume Tracking Teams evaluated MA and NH also evaluated 4 lead-up exercises conducted to prepare Seminar, Tabletop, 2 Functional Exercises
Deficiency : An observed or identified inadequacy of organizational performance in an exercise that could cause a finding that offsite emergency preparedness is not adequate to provide reasonable assurance that appropriate protective measures can be taken in the event of a radiological emergency to protect the health and safety of the public living in the vicinity of an NPP. ARCA: An observed or identified inadequacy of organizational performance in an exercise that is not considered, by itself, to adversely impact public health and safety. Plan Issue : An observed or identified inadequacy in the ORO’s emergency plan/procedures, rather than in the ORO’s performance.
Results- 1 ARCA, 6 Planning Issues ARCA- Rockingham SWP technological issue JIC- Plan and relocation procedures Plume Tracking- Recommends covering instrument with plastic, Field air sample equipment use 211- Using “host school” and “reception center” interchangeably Brattleboro EOC- Procedures on using CDV-700 and 715 instruments, Sounding the sirens