By Brecht Allen
How To Make A Shelter First you find material to make the shelter you can use sticks or grass to make the shelter Then you build the shelter up in a half circle with sticks with some of it on a tree for support When you have the base done you cover it with grass to make it whethertight
How to make a Fire You find wood Then you make it in a circle Then take one stick and put it in the middle then twist it When a spark catches in the fire blow on it
How To Keep Animals Out Of You’re Shelter After you have you’re base done take smaller twigs and fill then in until you cant put you’re fists cant go though the gaps Then you make filling in the front where you get in make a door you take small twigs where pests cant get in make it able to open and close Then you take a small twig and put it though a gap to lock the door
How to store food First you find a stable a good place to put so animals cant get it Then you put you’re suppilies there Cover you’re food with grass or something to put over top of it How to store fish find some big rocks then you put them in a circle After you killed a fish put the skin in the circle make a little door so they can come in but not get out
When You Encounter a Mosse You don’t want it to charge so you walk very slowly and don’t make it charge If it does charge and you get hurt play injured or dead and move when its not looking at you If you do get hurt take some food out of you’re storage until you get better
What To Do When A Tornado Strikes Get under you’re the stirdest part of you’re shelter After the tornado done look for pieces of you’re shelter you can use those pieces to make a new shelter You may have to go to look for more wood
If You have to Survive Without a Shelter If you find a cave don’t go in it to you make sure its safe if you were going on vacation and you still have a camera and its night you have no shelter take a picture and see if anything is in there it is safe to go in If there is not a cave get under a tree and stay awake to see if anything happens
How to Signal a Rescue Act If you have wood make a fire to signal a plane/helicopter If you have a camera and there are snaps left in the camera take a picture of the plane/helicopter at night to see if it sees the flash
What Type Of Animals and Plants Gut cherries were turned into jelly. The nut bushes were fool birds hid were hazel nut bushes The 2 kinds of rabbits were snowshoes and cottontail The Fishes were bluegills sunfish and perch The fool birds were roughed grouse
Survival Guide Power Point I got my information from websters