Shelter Options for Syrian Refugees Center for Refugees of Lebanon
Overview Lebanon: Population – 4.3million Area – 4,036 square miles Country of Minorities – 18 recognized groups Sectarian government Divided into 6 governorates Occupied by Syria during Lebanese civil war Palestinian refugees 10% of population
Syrian Refugees ●1,142,425 Syrians registered in Lebanon ●Largest concentration in Bekaa Valley at 402,000 ●Since 2012 Syrian refugee influx led to 25% increase in Lebanon’s population to more than 5 million people
Shelter Concerns ●Shelter biggest concern for Syrian refugees ●Majority in informal settlements ●Government refusal to establish official camps ●Land rental costs, security concerns, violence, interruption of family structure
Informal Settlements ●Nearly 2,000 informal settlements ●Inadequate shelters ●Poor quality ●Overcrowding ●Limited access to: o Water o Sanitation o Urban services (Bekaa Valley, Lebanon)
NRC Info ●Established in 1946 to assist refugees in Europe after World War II ●Five program areas a. Shelter b. Education c. Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene d. Food Security e. Information, Counseling, and Legal Assistance
Policy Brief ●Transitional shelters
Policy Brief ●Focus on the Bekaa Valley ●Collaboration with the Lebanese government ●Aiding community populations ●Oversight by the Norwegian Refugee Council ●Coordination of rental payment ●Strong community management
SWOT: Strengths ●Timing ●Engagement with the local community ●Housing compensation impacts ●Fosters positive relations with host community ●Involvement of Lebanese government ●Equitable approach ●Focus on a high-risk area ●Proximity of Lebanon to Syria
SWOT: Weaknesses ●Cost ●Potential resistance by Lebanese government ●Space limitations ●Potential to attract more refugees ●Distribution of shelters
SWOT: Opportunities ●Community strengthening ●Improved public relations ●Increased stability ●Improved documentation and registration
SWOT: Threats ●Length of stay ●Cost ●Requires involvement by local community and refugee population
Problem: Inadequate shelters and living conditions for Syrian refugees in Lebanon Goal: A solution working with the Lebanese government to provide adequate shelters and stable environment for Syrian refugees InputsActivitiesOutputs Short-term Outcomes Intermediate Outcomes Long-Term Outcomes Funding: NRC Donors Lebanese Government Partners: Norwegian Refugee Council Lebanese Government Negotiate with government Manage Refugee Camps Form peace keeping element Collaboration with host community Coordinate rental payment Host camp meetings Provide T-shelters Assist impoverished communities Increase safety and efficiency Provide official aid Refugees will find employment Increase involvement and community support Refugee will be independent Better environment for families Reduce dependence on humanitarian aid Improve quality of life for both refugees and Lebanese residents Be able to register for refugee status No longer need support from organizations Assumptions External Factors
Oct. 2014Nov. 2014Dec. 2014Jan Feb. 2015Mar.2015Apr. 2015May 2015 June 2015 Develop advisory board Discuss with Lebanese government Promote/Educate about program Distribute T-shelters in Bek k a Valley Develop and modify evaluation Total implementation Collect data for process evaluation Collect data for impact evaluation Collect data for outcome evaluation Analyze evaluation data Report to funder CompletedPlanned