Dear Participants: Welcome to the Office of Community Planning and Development’s Online Small Business Fair. Using technology, we can provide you with essential information about CPD programs and initiatives, link you to the Forecast of Contracting Opportunities, and invite you to send information for inclusion on CPD’s Contractor List. CPD is fully committed to working with the small business community. We recognize the important role small businesses play in our communities. It is my hope that this event will inform you of CPD’s goals and technical assistance needs. Nelson Bregón General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development for Community Planning and Development
Objective To learn of small businesses equipped to provide services in the community and economic development field. To learn of small businesses equipped to provide services in the community and economic development field.
Office of Community Planning and Development (CPD) CPD seeks to develop viable communities by promoting integrated approaches that provide decent housing, a suitable living environment, and expanding economic opportunities for low and moderate income persons. CPD seeks to develop viable communities by promoting integrated approaches that provide decent housing, a suitable living environment, and expanding economic opportunities for low and moderate income persons. To help meet this goal, from time-to-time CPD enters into contractual agreements with private firms who provide program specific technical assistance. To help meet this goal, from time-to-time CPD enters into contractual agreements with private firms who provide program specific technical assistance. In keeping with HUD’s Small Business policy, CPD is seeking qualified small businesses with community and economic development knowledge and technical assistance expertise. In keeping with HUD’s Small Business policy, CPD is seeking qualified small businesses with community and economic development knowledge and technical assistance expertise.
What is the CPD Online Business Fair? CPD reaches out to small businesses using the HUD website. CPD reaches out to small businesses using the HUD website. Small businesses send information to CPD regarding their capabilities. Small businesses send information to CPD regarding their capabilities. CPD reviews the information and, at some future time, may invite a small business in for a discussion of their capabilities. CPD reviews the information and, at some future time, may invite a small business in for a discussion of their capabilities.
How to participate: The CPD Online Small Business Fair will commence on June 28, 2004 and run until July 25, The CPD Online Small Business Fair will commence on June 28, 2004 and run until July 25, During this time, participants will have access to information posted on the website. During this time, participants will have access to information posted on the website. Any firm that is interested may send information to Any firm that is interested may send information to
CPD Program Areas Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) CDBG Entitlement Communities CDBG Entitlement Communities CDBG Entitlement Communities CDBG Entitlement Communities CDBG States and Small Cities CDBG States and Small Cities CDBG States and Small Cities CDBG States and Small Cities Colonias Set-aside Colonias Set-aside Colonias Set-aside Colonias Set-aside Disaster Recovery Initiative Disaster Recovery Initiative Disaster Recovery Initiative Disaster Recovery Initiative CDBG for Insular Areas CDBG for Insular Areas CDBG for Insular Areas CDBG for Insular Areas Affordable Housing Home Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) Home Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) Self-Help Housing Opportunities Program (SHOP) Self-Help Housing Opportunities Program (SHOP) Homeownership Zones Homeownership Zones Real Estate Acquisition and Relocation Real Estate Acquisition and Relocation To learn about a program, click on the specific program area.
CPD Program Areas Special Needs Assistance Special Needs Assistance Supportive Housing Program (SHP) Supportive Housing Program (SHP) Supportive Housing Program (SHP) Supportive Housing Program (SHP) Shelter Plus Care Program (S+C) Shelter Plus Care Program (S+C) Shelter Plus Care Program (S+C) Shelter Plus Care Program (S+C) Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation for SRO Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation for SRO Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation for SRO Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation for SRO Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) HUD Veteran Resource Center (HUDVET) HUD Veteran Resource Center (HUDVET) HUD Veteran Resource Center (HUDVET) HUD Veteran Resource Center (HUDVET) Economic DevelopmentEconomic Development Community Renewal (RC/EZ/EC) Community Renewal (RC/EZ/EC) Economic Development Loan Guarantee Fund (Section 108) Economic Development Loan Guarantee Fund (Section 108) Brownfields Economic Development Initiative (BEDI) Brownfields Economic Development Initiative (BEDI) Economic Development Initiative (EDI) Economic Development Initiative (EDI) Opportunities for Youth (Youthbuild) Opportunities for Youth (Youthbuild) Rural Housing and Economic Development (RHED) Rural Housing and Economic Development (RHED) To learn about a program, click on the specific program area.
CPD Program Areas Capacity Building Capacity Building Habitat for Humanity Capacity Building Habitat for Humanity Capacity Building Habitat for Humanity Capacity Building Habitat for Humanity Capacity Building Youthbuild Capacity Building Youthbuild Capacity Building Community Viability Energy Environment Historic Preservation Historic Preservation For more information about CPD, see To learn about a program, click on the specific program area.
What are the current procurement opportunities with CPD? CPD will continue submitting procurement opportunities to the Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU), Forecast of Contracting Opportunities Products and Services. CPD will continue submitting procurement opportunities to the Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU), Forecast of Contracting Opportunities Products and Services. OSDBU’s Procurement Forecasting website is OSDBU’s Procurement Forecasting website is Interested parties should continue to view the Forecast each quarter to see what new opportunities become available. Interested parties should continue to view the Forecast each quarter to see what new opportunities become available.
Are you A Small Business? Knowing how to properly identify yourself is key. Knowing how to properly identify yourself is key. Like many agencies, HUD wants to increase contracting opportunities for small business procurement preference groups. Like many agencies, HUD wants to increase contracting opportunities for small business procurement preference groups. If you need help identifying your business, go to the U.S. Small Business Administration’s website: /identify.html. If you need help identifying your business, go to the U.S. Small Business Administration’s website: /identify.html. /identify.html /identify.html
Interested in being on the CPD Online Small Business Fair Contractor List? Send an with information about your small business’ ability to provide services in the community and economic development field to Send an with information about your small business’ ability to provide services in the community and economic development field to In the future, CPD staff may contact you to set up an interview to discuss your capabilities. In the future, CPD staff may contact you to set up an interview to discuss your capabilities.
For More Information about CPD, see our website: