Produced by Miss Pornpimol Khruawan
What's a cinquain? It is a form of poetry, written using a recipe. The words you choose and the form they take on paper are an important part of the writing.
grass small, green growing, bending, standing a beautiful landscape to stare happiness
Line1: one word to name the subject grass Line 2: two words to describe itsmall, green Line 3: three action words about it growing, bending, standing Line 4: a four or five word phrase describing the subject (a thought, not a complete sentence) a beautiful landscape to stare Line 5: one word that means the same thing as the first word, or a word that sums it all up. happiness
Check this out — it looks almost like a diamond. Some people even call it a diamond poem. Example:
Bangramard lonely, shady Sharing, waiting, getting on A shelter for us Train station Now write your own poem by using cinquains. Good Luck!
Siriraj Big, clean Caring, healing, sharing A place for sick people Hospital By Class 5/2
7Eleven Convenient, cool Shopping, drinking, eating Seen it every where Supermarket By class 5/3