You all know that gum either contains sugar or some form of sweetener. This is why it tastes so good! But, the sweetness does not last forever! Why?? Because the sweetener dissolves in your saliva, which means you consume it. So, just how much of the gum is composed of sugar or sweetener? That is the question! You will need to develop a procedure to go about investigating how much sugar is actually present in a piece of bubble gum. Yes, you’ll actually get to chew bubble gum for the purpose of science! Brainstorm what information you’d need to calculate the percent of sugar in gum.
You will need to focus on how much a piece of bubble gum's mass is made up of sugar. So think about ways to be able to calculate how much sugar was lost after chewing a piece of bubble gum. To calculate the percentage of something: % = part x 100 whole In our case: % = mass of sugar x 100 mass of unchewed gum Write up a procedure of how you will go about gathering this data.
Type up the following: Materials needed. Procedure written in the past tense! Data collected. Your results & calculations. In one sentence, say what the % was. Percent error: your result – true value x 100% true value Each person needs to hand one in- it should not be exactly identical to your lab partner’s write up!