NRG GUM BY: Megan, and Nicola
Do you feel lazy? Try the new type of gum that gives you a burst of energy! Unlike any other energy product, NRG gum does not have caffeine in it!
Chew, Chew, Chew! NRG Gum lasts up to 4 to 6 weeks! You can buy 1 pack a month each pack includes 5 pieces! Each pack costs $6.99! It may be cheep but it still works!
Flavors Cabbage Mushrooms Broccoli Spinach And our most Popular flavor is……. Brussels sprouts!!!!
Side affects Warning Warning You may wake up light headed, suddenly crash, vomit, and you may get ZITS! Don’t worry this only happens if you swallow the gum.
You’ll feel amazing! You’ll feel amazing!