Making Progress on Young People’s Sexual Health Dr Jane Wilkinson Deputy Chief Medical Officer 6th February 2008
Sexually Transmitted Infections
New Diagnoses at Welsh GUM Clinics New STI Diagnoses at Welsh GUM Clinics Health Protection Agency Source: Health Protection Agency
....Chlamydia rates have risen, but have we turned a corner? New STI Diagnoses at Welsh GUM Clinics Health Protection Agency Source: Health Protection Agency Number
Wales is doing better than other parts of the UK New STI Diagnoses at Welsh GUM Clinics Health Protection Agency Source: Health Protection Agency Number MalesFemales
Patterns of infection are changing, we can make a difference New STI Diagnoses at Welsh GUM Clinics Health Protection Agency Source: Health Protection Agency 1 Uncomplicated chlamydia/gonorrhoea diagnosed in GUM clinics. 2 First attack of genital warts/genital herpes diagnosed in GUM clinics. 3 HIV diagnosed in a variety of settings. Rates of new HIV diagnoses from 2003 onwards are adjusted for reporting delays. 4 Rates of chlamydia diagnoses should be interpreted in the context of increasing use of Nucleic Acid Amplification Tests.
Teenage Pregnancy
Conception rates have remained relatively stable New STI Diagnoses at Welsh GUM Clinics Health Protection Agency Source: Stats Wales Rate per 100,000 people
New STI Diagnoses at Welsh GUM Clinics Health Protection Agency Source: Stats Wales Wide variation across Wales - Under 18 Conceptions 2005 Wales = 43.6 per 100,000 Rate per 100,000 people
Access to Services in Wales
Quality requirements for Sexual Health Services in Wales to be launched in 2008 Gauge opinion on how and where we need to focus our effort to improve our services in Wales ‘Education and access to sexual health services are key to reducing rates of sexually transmitted infections and unwanted pregnancies, as well as being essential to improving the overall health of our young people.’ Improving quality in Wales
Public Health is not the only sector with an interest - we need to build new, and reinforce existing bridges Education is key to deliver change Public Health programmes must and will integrate Sexual Health education and personal relations programmes Building Bridges - Working with other partners
Universities and Higher Education, key area for our efforts Working with the National Union of Students Partners for promoting sexual health services amongst students Reaching into communities of need
Service management focus on improving services through Service and Financial Framework (SAFF) Data quality and usage still a problems - development of Sexual Health Minimum Data set Welsh approaches to Welsh situation Where is our focus?
A Healthy Future: A Public Health Strategic Framework for Wales Socio-economic, cultural and environmental conditions Children and Young People Healthy Eating, Food and Fitness Health-related behaviours and risk (including smoking, alcohol, drugs, sexual health) Limiting Long-term health conditions Mental Health Supporting Local Public Health Delivery Public Health Strategic Framework
Data from the last year shows we can turn infection rates around - you are making a difference We need to harness our resources together to address our Welsh issues Keep talking, keep networking, learn from each other and make sure that people know the good things you are doing....and the future?
Thank you very much Diolch yn fawr Dr Jane Wilkinson Deputy Chief Medical Officer Welsh Assembly Government Cathays Park Cardiff CF10 3NQ