Evidence based Compendium Dental chewing gum
Evidence based Compendium Rationale The use of sugar-free dental chewing gum increases salivation and thus enhances the anti-cariogenic effect of saliva flow. Regular chewing provides a mechanical cleaning effect, especially for the occlusal surface. Both effects are seen as aids to regaining mineral loss on tooth surfaces and thus reduce caries experience.
Evidence based Compendium Review objective To appraise the use of dental chewing gum in reducing caries experience.
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Evidence based Compendium
There is good evidence that supports the use of sugarless dental chewing gum, containing Xylitol or Sorbitol, for caries reduction, particularly on the occlusal tooth surface.
Evidence based Compendium Clinical implication Dental chewing gum can be used as part of a caries preventative regimen.