Power-law rheology in the bulk and at the interface: quasi- properties and fractional constitutive equations by Aditya Jaishankar, and Gareth H. McKinley.


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Presentation transcript:

Power-law rheology in the bulk and at the interface: quasi- properties and fractional constitutive equations by Aditya Jaishankar, and Gareth H. McKinley Proceedings A Volume 469(2149): January 8, 2013 ©2013 by The Royal Society

(a) Schematic of a spring-pot as an element that interpolates between a spring (α=0) and a dashpot (α=1). Aditya Jaishankar, and Gareth H. McKinley Proc. R. Soc. A 2013;469: ©2013 by The Royal Society

Rheological data for ‘highly anomalous’ butyl rubber taken from Scott-Blair et al. [31]. Aditya Jaishankar, and Gareth H. McKinley Proc. R. Soc. A 2013;469: ©2013 by The Royal Society

Interfacial small-amplitude oscillatory shear data of 3 wt% Acacia gum solutions carried out using the DWR. (a) Strain amplitude sweep performed at ω=1 rad s−1. Aditya Jaishankar, and Gareth H. McKinley Proc. R. Soc. A 2013;469: ©2013 by The Royal Society

The FMM fitted (lines) to interfacial storage Gs′(ω) and loss Gs′′(ω) moduli data (symbols) obtained from (a,b) 3 wt% Acacia gum solutions and (c,d) 50 mg ml−1 BSA solutions. Aditya Jaishankar, and Gareth H. McKinley Proc. R. Soc. A 2013;469: ©2013 by The Royal Society

Creep compliance for 3 wt% Acacia gum solutions performed at various values of imposed interfacial stress σ0s. Aditya Jaishankar, and Gareth H. McKinley Proc. R. Soc. A 2013;469: ©2013 by The Royal Society

(a) Experimentally measured values of the interfacial compliance response for 3 wt% Acacia gum solutions (symbols), and the short- and long-time asymptote in the FMM coupled with instrument inertia. Aditya Jaishankar, and Gareth H. McKinley Proc. R. Soc. A 2013;469: ©2013 by The Royal Society