CHEW JEOPARDY! Test your chew knowledge Know What’s In Your Mouth CHEW JEOPARDY!
Instructions There are five colour-coded topic areas Split the class into groups Ask one group to pick a topic and question (from 100 to 400) points. Click on the question amount and read the question out loud. The group that chose the question will give their answer. Click on the question to receive the answer. Click on the answer to go back to the main board. When you return to the main board the value (number) will disappear to let you know the question has been answered. After all questions have been answered, or you have run out of time, the groups tally their points, and the group with the highest point value is the winning group.
What’s in Your Mouth? What Happens to Your Body Commo n Cancers Movies, TV & Music Click on the number to reveal the question Sports
100 Points Question: An ingredient of chew that can also be found on your birthday cake Click on the question to reveal the answer.
100 Points Answer: What is candle wax? (sugar is also an acceptable answer) Click on answer to return to game board.
200 Points Question: This is a type of abrasive material that is added to chew to cut the lining of your mouth, making it easier to absorb the nicotine and cancer-causing chemicals Click on the question to reveal the answer.
200 Points Answer: What is fiberglass? Click on answer to return to game board.
300 Points Question : This acid might help you develop your photos, but it’s probably not something you want in your mouth Click on the question to reveal the answer.
300 Points Answer : What is acetic acid? Click on answer to return to game board.
400 Points Question : The energizer bunny uses lots of this, a main ingredient in batteries, that is also found in chew Click on the question to reveal the answer.
400 Points Answer : What is cadmium? Click on answer to return to game board.
100 Points Question: Even with gum these may still be tell-tale signs of a chewer Click on the question to reveal the answer.
100 Points Answer : What are stained teeth and bad breath? Click on answer to return to game board.
200 Points Question: If you swallow any chew juices you are likely to do this Click on the question to reveal the answer.
Click on answer to return to game board. 200 Points Answer: What is vomit?
300 Points Question: After using chew for a little while you might start getting tooth aches, probably from all the sugar that is added to hide the gross taste of tobacco, the pain is likely from this Click on the question to reveal the answer.
300 Points Answer: A cavity OR tooth decay OR rotten teeth? Click on answer to return to game board.
400 Points Question: This many days after quitting your sense of taste and smell improve Click on the question to reveal the answer.
400 Points Answer: What is 2 days? Click on answer to return to game board.
100 Points Question: This is the most common cancer associated with chew use Click on the question to reveal the answer.
100 Points Answer: What is mouth cancer (or oral cancer)? Click on answer to return to game board.
200 Points Question: Many people who are diagnosed with oral cancer will lose this part of their body Click on the question to reveal the answer.
200 Points Answer: What is their jaw (and possible parts of their tongue and neck muscles)? Click on answer to return to game board.
300 Points Question: Cancer of the mouth isn’t the only kind you have to worry about, this is another type of cancer that also occurs in many long-time chew users Click on the question to reveal the answer.
300 Points Answer: What is stomach cancer, esophageal cancer, bladder cancer and pancreatic cancer? (any one answer) BONUS question: Tobacco use accounts for this percent of all oral cancers Click on answer to reveal BONUS answer.
400 Points Question: An oropharyngeal tumor, which killed a famous chew using baseball player, can be found in this part of the body Click on the question to reveal the answer.
400 Points Answer: What is the back of the throat ? Click on answer to return to game board.
100 Points BONUS Bonus Answer: What is 80-90%? Click on answer to return to game board.
100 Points Question: By having celebrities use chew in these, the tobacco industry aims to glamorize the act of using Click on the question to reveal the answer.
100 Points Answer: What are movies? Click on answer to return to game board.
200 Points Question: This Hollywood blockbuster movie about baseball starring Brad Pitt, featured the use of chew and highlighted its use in the sports community Click on the question to reveal the answer.
200 Points Answer: What is Moneyball? Click on answer to return to game board.
300 Points Question: Country music is no stranger to mentioning chew tobacco use. Blake Shelton makes this very clear in this chart topping song Click on the question to reveal the answer.
300 Points Answer: What is Boys Round Here (“Chew tobacco, chew tobacco, chew tobacco, spit”)? Click on answer to return to game board.
400 Points Question: This 2011 animated PG rated movie starring Johnny Depp received much controversy over its reference to smoking, drinking, and chew use Click on the question to reveal the answer.
400 Points Answer: What is Rango? Click on answer to return to game board.
100 Points Question: This sports agency has banned their players from using chew whenever they are being televised or in the presence of fans Click on the question to reveal the answer.
100 Points Answer: What is Major League Baseball? Click on answer to return to game board.
200 Points Question: This symptom of using chew might hurt your performance during a game Click on the question to reveal the answer.
200 Points Answer: What is dizziness, slow reaction time or tiring quickly? (any one answer) Click on answer to return to game board.
300 Points Question: This legendary New York Yankee died from throat cancer attributed to his chew use at the age of 53 Click on the question to reveal the answer.
300 Points Answer: Who is Babe Ruth? Click on answer to return to game board.
400 Points Question: Former Dallas Cowboys quarterback and now spokesperson for anti-chew campaign committed to being tobacco free in 1997 Click on the question to reveal the answer.
400 Points Answer: Who is Troy Aikman? Click on answer to return to game board.