FAITHFUL AND TALKATIVE Teacher Lessons: Chapter 15 & 16.


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Presentation transcript:

FAITHFUL AND TALKATIVE Teacher Lessons: Chapter 15 & 16

Goals Define and explain Jewish dietary laws Illustrate the characteristics of people who “talk the talk,” but don’t “walk the walk” Chapter 15

Clean and Unclean  Read Leviticus 11:1-8  Two requirements for clean animals  Must part the hoof Represents living a life set apart by God, and in in his service  Must chew cud Represents speaking, knowing, and studying the Word of God

Camels, Coneys, and Hares  Chew Cud, but no parted hoof  Unclean  Know the Bible, but don’t practice Christianity  This is Talkative  Characteristics & Examples  Make good grades, but prayer life is powerless  Memorize the Bible, but enjoy worldly amusements  Give great devotionals, but run with sinners  Well-versed in doctrine, but enjoy inappropriate music

Swine  Part the hoof, but don’t chew cud  Unclean  Do all the Christian motions, but don’t truly desire God  Characteristics/Examples  This can be you – go to a Christian school, follow the rules…but don’t have a heart for Bible study, preaching, and/or teaching  Never witness, testify, pray, or talk about God’s Word

Sheep & Deer  Parted hoof & chews cud  Clean  Characteristics/Examples  Desire for the study and understanding of God’s Word  Actively participate in the Church, school, and good Christian activities  Remember, you can fool many Christians, but God sees you up close

Goals See how God’s grace works in souls Identify proofs of genuine salvation Chapter 16

Faithful’s Two Questions  How does the saving grace of God reveal, or discover, itself in the heart of man?  In other words, how can you tell when someone is truly ‘born again’  Does your life and your conversation match?  In other words, do you part the hoof and chew cud

How does the saving grace of God reveal, or discover, itself in the heart of man?  Talkative’s Answer 1  “When the grace of God is in the heart, it causes a great outcry against sin”  What’s wrong with this answer?  True salvation causes the soul to hate its own sin, not just outcry against it

How does the saving grace of God reveal, or discover, itself in the heart of man?  Talkative’s Answer 2  “That saved men have a great knowledge of the mysteries of the Word”  What’s wrong with this answer?  People can know the Bible, but still be unsaved – John 13:17  Examples Talkative, Satan…

Faithful’s Answer to his own Questions  Explaining question 1  “A word of Grace in the soul discovers itself to one who has it…”  How do you know? Conviction of sin Feeling the necessity to trust in God as saviour

Faithful’s Answer to his own Questions  Explaining question 1  “…And to Bystanders”  How do you know? Public profession of faith A life that responds to that confession A holy heart Family holiness Holy living before others

Faithful’s Two Questions  How does the saving grace of God reveal, or discover, itself in the heart of man?  In other words, how can you tell when someone is truly ‘born again’  Does your life and your conversation match?  In other words, do you part the hoof and chew cud

Does your life and your conversation match?  Talkative blushes at first  He asks Faithful why he would say such a thing!  Faithful truthfully says: “he believes that Talkative does nothing but talk”  He gets angry and storms out

Conclusion – Let’s ask ourselves these questions  How do we know we are saved, and how do we “walk our talk”?  Deep conviction of personal sin and condemnation  Trust and faith in Christ  Public confession of Christ  Holiness of Life