Biscuits & Gravy The Pastry Method Preparing a Roux (gravy or sauce) …
To understand gluten… Think of a piece of bubble gum. When you first put the gum in your mouth, it is soft and easy to chew. As you chew the gum, it becomes more elastic, and you can blow bubbles. As you continue to chew the gum for a long time, it becomes so elastic it makes your jaw hurt. Gluten behaves in a similar way.
Gluten If you mix or handle a batter or dough too much, the gluten will overdevelop. This can cause a quick bread to be compact and tough. To keep quick breads light and tender, mix them for only a short time and handle them carefully. Different kinds of flour contain different amounts of gliadin and glutenin. You must use the type of flour suggested in the recipe.
The Pastry Method… Sift dry ingredients together in mixing bowl. Use pastry blender (or two knives) to cut in fat into dry mixture until particles are size of coarse cornmeal. Add liquid all at once; stir with a fork until dough forms a ball. Use when making biscuits and pastry.
Kneading dough Press dough down with palms, fold dough in half, push it away from you, then give dough a quarter turn. (LIFT, FOLD, PUSH, TURN) 8 to 10 times; then roll or pat into a circle. Cut dough with a biscuit cutter; place on ungreased baking sheet. You will knead the dough for rolled biscuits.
Characteristics of Biscuits High-quality rolled biscuit will have an even shape with a smooth, level top and straight sides. Crust will be an even brown. When broken open, the crumb or soft interior, is white to creamy white. It is moist and fluffy and peels off in layers. If under-mixed= Low volume; rough, rounded top. If over-mixed= Low volume; smooth, rounded top.
Roux An equal mixture of flour and melted fat The cornerstone of classic sauce making
Steps to making a roux Combine equal parts of flour and butter in a saucepan and cook for 1 minute after the butter melts. Slowly add cooking liquid while constantly stirring. Continue constant stirring until the roux has boiled for 1 minute.
Sausage Gravy Same directions as a roux. We will substitute 1 lb. sausage for the butter. After the sausage has cooked, add the flour and continue with the roux directions.